Feed Additives Dr. Özge SIZMAZ University of Ankara Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Ankara, Turkey Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Besleme ve Beslenme Hastalıkları
Probiotics are single or mixed live microorganism (bacteria , yeast and fungi) cultures that alter the intestine microflora and form beneficial effect on host.
Probiotics Generally they are collected by 3 categories: Bacillus spp Lactic acid production bacteria Yeasts When we use feed additive based on microbial, it’s called DFM. Most common using: Lactobacilli, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus and Aspergillus
Probiotics How probiotics show their effect? Reduce the pH by secreting the acids like lactic acid, acetic acid, then prevent the generation of gram (–) bacteria that can live in basic conditions.
Probiotics 2. Prevent the proliferation of pathogens by secreting the H2O2. 3. Show the antibiotic effect on Salmnella, Clostridium, Staphylococcus and fungi. This effect occurs by Lactobacillus and Streptoccoccus. Because L. produce acidophiline, acidoline and lacyoline and S. Produce nicine and diplococcine.
Probiotics 4. Inhibit the some of aerobic bacteria by decreasing the redox 5. Form the colony on the surface of villus before pathogens. 6. Competetive exclusion: Probiotics both replacing and preventing the generation of bacteria, so they don’t place to leave.
Probiotics 7. Provide the generation of microorganism that live symbiosis with animals and secret the ezyme for digestion. This is especially important for ruminants. 8. Probiotics also benefial as an immunestimulant in gaastro intestinal system.
Probiotics What should be the properties of probiotics? Must be safety Must be resistant for gastric mill and intestine Must be penetreted to the ephitelium of intestine in hosts. Must Show the antagonist effect on pathogen bacteria.
Probiotics Must stay alive during the storage of feeds and technologic process of feed production Must have high level of stability against nutrients and other feed additives in feeds. Because the Lactobacillus are not stabil, the interest in probiotics based on Bacillus subtilis species increased.
Probiotics Probiotics benefical for ruminants, especially they are used for prevention acidosis. In calves, probiotics are used for prevention of diarrea and protection the digestive system microflora. So the factors of stress would be prevented. In dairy cattle they can be used for incrasing the milk production.
Probiotics In poultry, for BW, BWG, FCR egg production health.