Note to Change Network: This slide deck contains slides for your October meetings/presentations. Please adapt this deck to meet the needs/interests of those you will be presenting to. This presentation contains talking points under each slide (go to View > Notes Pages).
Pay & Payroll Processes October 2018 Today’s UCPath update focuses on UCPath Pay and Payroll Processes, especially what is changing, and what employees need to be aware of.
UCPath Payroll—Overview UCPath will unify 11 existing UC Payroll/Personnel Systems (PPS) across the UC system, and is capable of handling UC’s complex employee population and changing business needs. 24/7 access on mobile devices and computers from work or home – modern, simple user interface. Convenient, confidential access to personal paycheck information for all academic, staff and student employees. Upgraded security for personal financial information. All UC sites integrated on shared central system. Here’s a high level view. The most immediate change is that employees will have access to their payroll information via the UCPath portal—a modern interface available on mobile phones, tablet, and computers.
Paychecks—New Look New employee ID numbers will appear on the UCPath paycheck and in the UCPath Portal. The new UCPath PeopleSoft ID (EMPL ID) will replace the current PPS ID—a cross reference will be maintained to historical PPS IDs for access when required. Pay statements will be available in the UCPath portal starting one day before pay day. Vacation, paid time off, and sick leave balances are shown in the UCPath portal, rather than on paychecks. Employees can view leave balances in the portal using their computer or mobile device. There will be a new (second) ID number for all employees. Also, leave balances will be viewable from the portal now, not on the paycheck. We’ll look at the pay statement in greater detail later in the presentation.
Payment Methods Direct Deposit Paper Paychecks Pay Cards* Let’s take a look at the ways in which pay can be received. Pay cards will be used in emergency/off-cycle situations, and may also be a third option for receiving regular pay. This is still under discussion. Pay Cards* *Pay Cards will be used for emergency / off-cycle pay.
Direct Deposit New: ability to specify up to three different accounts for deposit (after go-live). U.S. financial institutions (participating in the ACH Network) are available for direct deposit. Credit Unions now treated as regular direct deposit account, not an automatic deduction. Employees encouraged to use it — fast, safe, reliable and eco-friendly! Direct Deposit is fast, reliable and safe. And with UCPath you will be able to specify up to three destination accounts. U.S. financial institutions that participate in the ACH Network (almost all) are available. And because there is no printing or transportation involved, it’s an environmentally friendly option.
Direct Deposit (cont.) If you are currently enrolled in Direct Deposit, you will not need to re‐enroll. Your current Direct Deposit will automatically convert over to UCPath. To enroll, visit At Your Service: Enroll At Your Earliest Convenience to ensure your account is set‐up prior to go‐live—it may take up to two pay periods for a new direct deposit account to become active. Current direct deposit enrollments will carry over to the new UCPath system. So employees who want to enroll are encouraged to do so before the end of the year — to ensure a seamless transition. Here is what the enrollment screen looks like in AYSO. As with most direct deposit enrollments, employees will need two key numbers: the account number and the associated routing number. AYSO direct deposit screen showing bank account number and routing number, required.
Paper Paychecks Regular Paychecks can no longer be picked up locally. All checks will be mailed on payday from a centralized service center in Arizona. Paychecks sent by mail are issued on the pay date and take additional time to arrive (by mail) at the employees' designated home address (compared with previous local pickup timing). A great reason to sign up for direct deposit. Campus pickup of paper paychecks will be discontinued after April 1. This will be a big change. All paper checks will be mailed. We’ve put the red arrow on the key point here: checks will take longer to arrive due to mail time. The current payment method for international employees will continue to apply.
Paper Paychecks (cont.) It is critical that employee addresses in the system are current. If paper paychecks are not received within 5 calendar days from pay day, employee should contact the UCPath Center. Employees will no longer be able to use campus office addresses. Employees, including student workers, may use campus residential addresses, as these are served by the U.S. Postal Service. Here are a few specifics for paper paycheck recipients. Employees should make sure their mailing address is current by visiting the UCPath portal after go-live (in the days just before the April 1 first paycheck).
Payroll Changes: Credit Union Accounts Credit Union accounts will no longer be handled as payroll deductions. With UCPath, a direct deposit can be set up to distribute paycheck funds to a credit union. Employees who currently have credit union deductions will be contacted, and the goal will be to have new direct deposit accounts set up for them in advance of go-live. The conversion will be done for the employees by the UCPath Center in coordination with local service channel.
Payroll Changes: Two W-2s for 2019 In January 2020 only, UC Davis employees will receive two W-2 forms for the year 2019 : For the period before UCPath go-live, viewable in AYSO. For period after we go-live, accessed through UCPath portal Annual Social Security calculations will not be affected by the change in payroll systems. Individual contributions will continue through the year until the employee reaches the annual maximum contribution. This is a one time only occurrence. For the year 2020, there will be a single W-2 from the UCPath system.
Emergency / Off-Cycle Checks Emergency paper paychecks will no longer be available for pick up locally on campus. Pay Cards will serve as the payment method in emergency payroll situations. Pay cards as a regular pay option are being used at some UCPath pilot campuses and are under consideration for use at UC Davis as an alternative for employees who aren’t signed up for direct deposit. They would be reloaded each pay day and act like a debit card— accepted anywhere Visa‐logo cards are accepted. More information will be communicated about this as we approach go-live. Since pay cards are being used as one of three payroll methods at UCLA and UCSB, we assume they will be used here. But final decision is still pending. We do know they will be used for emergency/off-cycle pay issues.
Payroll Changes: Final Pay For Non-Represented Employees: Employees will receive final pay on the next regular pay cycle—or, they will receive an off-cycle final pay check in involuntary termination situations (according to the employee’s normal method of pay distribution). For Represented Employees: Represented employees will receive final pay according to the terms of their collective bargaining agreement (and also according to the employee’s normal method of pay distribution). For both cases above, managers/Service Channels must request final pay in sufficient time to meet the next regular pay cycle or off-cycle payroll deadline.* Note: Pay will be processed/issued by the UCPath Center in Riverside. *In sensitive involuntary termination situations, UC Davis can request the check be processed for local pick-up (at Central Payroll). Final pay will depend on whether the employee is represented or not. There are some exception situations noted.
Other Payroll Changes Pay Advances will not be allowed in the UCPath system (in compliance with UC-wide rules). New industry‐standard tax withholding calculations may result in minor rounding changes. Here are some of the other changes coming to payroll, including discontinuing the practice of pay advances.
Deduction Holiday Changes Benefit deductions are currently taken on 24 out of the 26 biweekly payrolls—resulting in 2 paychecks without deductions (deduction holidays) Deduction holidays under UCPath will be different, due to differences in calculation method (UCPath will use “check date” instead of “pay end date.”) Employee Net Impact = $0 In 2019, the PPS deduction holiday in January will NOT occur—instead, UCPath deduction holidays will occur in May and October.
Things Remaining the Same Pay cycles—two types (bi-weekly and monthly) There will be no changes to pay dates. Pay dates will remain the same for monthly and bi‐weekly employees Pay statements will be available one day before pay day, on the UCPath Portal Continue to use AYSO (at your service) for paycheck and W-2 information prior to UCPath go-live Current direct deposit accounts will automatically roll over Here are the things that will not change, including pay cycles and existing direct deposit accounts.
Payroll Screens in the UCPath Portal: Paycheck information Leave balances Direct Deposit Let’s take a tour of the UCPath paycheck information and the portal screens related to payroll.
Paycheck Information Current name and address in UCPath. Newly assigned Employee ID number. Filing status and allowances for state and federal tax forms. Earnings displayed in work week increments. Vacation and sick time used are included in the hours and earning display. Federal and state tax withholdings for the current pay period and the year to date. Before tax and after tax deductions are displayed separately. All contributions UC pays on your behalf to health and welfare plans and retirement. OASDI (Social Security) and MED (Medicare) gross amounts are included in current year and year-to- date display. Check (advice) number, account type, and total amount of pay deposited to accounts. You may have up to three direct deposit elections. There is a PDF handout of this on the UCPath website, under “Meetings in a Box” October.
Leave Balances No longer available on check statement (only on portal). VACATION View vacation and sick balances. SICK Monthly Pay Cycle: Updated at end of the pay period following the month leave is taken or earned. Biweekly Pay Cycle: Updated in pay period in which leave is taken or earned Service Months here are for leave accrual processing, not retirement service credit.
1. Click to Change an Existing Account Direct Deposit 1. Click to Change an Existing Account There is a PDF handout of this on the UCPath website, under “Meetings in a Box” October.
2. Click in Fields to Change Values Direct Deposit 2. Click in Fields to Change Values You will need to enter your bank account number and associated routing number. There is a PDF handout of this on the UCPath website, under “Meetings in a Box” October. 3. Click when done
Direct Deposit 4. Check Acknowledgement 5. Click Save
Direct Deposit Targeted Campaign The elimination of paycheck pick up offers an opportunity to move the approximately 4,000 paper paycheck employees to direct deposit. In the months prior to go-live, a targeted campaign will be rolled out, highlighting the reasons to sign up: BENEFITS For UC Davis: cost effective, eco-friendly For Payee: Fast (available on payday) secure, reliable, convenient Specify up to 3 accounts, all U.S. Financial Institutions Credit union deductions now handled via Direct Deposit TARGET Still approximately 4,000 paper check recipients (fluctuates seasonally) Who are they: temporary workers, student employees, late adopters CAMPAIGN DETAILS Targeted to paper pay check recipients Paycheck insert x2 (highly targeted) Creative executions—benefits messages and how-to sign up Timing—November 2018 + a second TBD
Transition Timing: Deployment 1 Payroll Parallel Testing Nov 2018/ Jan 2019: PPS / UCPath Cutover March 2019: System and data migration Go-Live April 1, 2019: First UCPath paychecks: April 1: monthly April 3: bi-weekly January 2020: 2019 W-2s issued/available from both UCPath and previous PPS system Here is a look at the project phases prior to go-live, and including the dual W-2 in early 2020. 33,292 employees at UC Davis will be transitioned
Actions Required for Seamless Transition Sign up for Direct Deposit ahead of time: Log into (AYSO). Sign‐up for Direct Deposit using the home screen menu item. Verify your personal information: In the days just prior to the first UCPath paycheck (April 1, 2019), the UCPath system will be available for employees to validate their information. Take advantage of this opportunity to review your address, emergency contact and other key information. To minimize any bumps in the road employees are encouraged to be proactive and make sure their personal information is current.
Troubleshooting Paycheck Issues If there is an issue with your paycheck, contact the UCPath Center, which will work to resolve any issues that may arise. After go-live, employees should log in to the UCPath portal and submit a question by clicking on the “Ask UCPath Center” button. Phone help is also available at 855-982-7284 (Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Pacific Time) . The UCPath Center has two ways to deliver support: through the portal and via phone. The link won’t be active until after go-live.
Information and Resources Email: Website: Training schedule and resources to be posted on the UCPath website approximately four months before go-live Sign-up for the UCPath newsletter at Speaker’s Bureau (see website) Key Contacts: UCPath Training Lead: Ann Foley, UCPath Change Management Lead: Randa Wilbur, Communications Lead: BreAnda Northcutt, Here is the link to the UCPath email and new website. If you are not already receiving the UCPath Newsletter, and you would like to, here is the link for that. The UCPath team also offers a Speakers Bureau, should we want them to come talk to us or make any special presentations.