ACT Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson Thirteen
nirvana – (n.) a condition of great peace or happiness After work, Irene sought nirvana through meditation.
salutary – (adj.) healthful; wholesome The country air had a salutary influence on the child’s chronic cough. Synonyms Antonyms beneficial pernicious
despicable – (adj.) contemptible; hateful Only a despicable cad would behave so horribly. Synonyms Antonyms vile base laudable worthy
harlequin – (n.) a clown The kind summoned the harlequin to entertain the guests.
empathy – (n.) an understanding of another’s feelings The same thing happened to me once, so I felt empathy for the person whose car broke down on the interstate. Synonyms appreciation compassion
brevity – (n.) briefness; short duration The brevity of the candidate’s speech surprised everyone. Synonyms Antonyms terseness conciseness lengthiness
savant – (n.) a person of extensive learning; an eminent scholar Einstein was a savant who will always be remembered for E=MC².
obsequious – (adj.) excessively submissive or overly attentive The waiter’s obsequious behavior annoyed the patrons at the expensive restaurant. Synonyms Antonyms servile fawning domineering haughty
redundant – (adj.) repetitious; using more words than needed Saying that a person is a rich millionaire is redundant. Synonyms Antonyms excessive unnecessary essential
offal – (n.) garbage; waste parts No one wanted the task of carrying the offal from the butcher shop to the trash container.
hoi polloi – (n.) the common people; the masses The hoi polloi loved to watch the Christians fight the lions.
sentient – (adj.) conscious; capable of feeling or perceiving No one knew if the girl in the coma was sentient, but they continued to hold and talk to her. Synonyms alert alive cognizant
impinge – (v.) to encroach; to trespass Do not impinge on your neighbors by walking in uninvited. Synonyms infringe intrude
cataract – (n.) a large waterfall Because of the cataract in that part of the river, you can’t put a canoe in the water.
animosity – (n.) hatred There was more animosity between the opposing teams’ fans than between the teams themselves. Synonyms Antonyms ill-will hostility friendliness congeniality