Vocabulary Unit 7
austere -------------------------------- severe or stern in manner without adornment simple plain Puritanical Ascetic unadorned -------------------------------- luxurious Flamboyant Indulgent
beneficent Performing acts of kindness or charity Humanitarian, magnanimous, charitable ---------------------------- Selfish, cruel, deleterious
cadaverous pale gaunt resembling a corpse Emaciated ghastly -------------------------------- robust the picture of health Portly rosy
concoct to prepare by combining ingredients to devise to fabricate to contrive to create To rustle up To fashion
crass Course, unfeeling Stupid Crude, tasteless, oafish, obtuse ---------------------------- Refined, elegant, tasteful, brilliant, polished
debase Lower in character, quality, or value; degrade, adulterate, cause to deteriorate Cheapen, corrupt, demean, depreciate ---------------------------- Elevate, uplift, improve, enhance
desecrate to commit sacrilege upon To contaminate To pollute defile violate ---------------------------- To revere To venerate to consecrate
disconcert to confuse to disturb the composure of to upset, ruffle, faze or rattle -------------------------------- to calm to put at ease
grandiose grand in an impressive or stately way absurdly exaggerated Majestic Bombastic highfalutin -------------------------------- simple modest humble
inconsequential trifling unimportant trivial negligible paltry -------------------------------- crucial Important essential
infraction a breaking of the law or obligation violation transgression offense breach
mitigate to make milder to moderate in force or intensity to lessen, relieve, alleviate -------------------------------- to aggravate to intensify To exacerbate
pillage to rob of goods by open force (as in war) to plunder to ravage to loot the act of looting; booty
prate to talk a good deal in foolish or aimless fashion to palaver to prattle to blabber -------------------------------- to come to the point
punctilious very careful and exact attentive to etiquette or propriety precise scrupulous -------------------------------- careless perfunctory
Redoubtable Inspiring fear or awe; illustrious, eminent Formidable, august ---------------------------- Laughable, risible
Reprove To find fault with, scold, rebuke Chastise, upbraid, reproach ---------------------------- Praise, commend, laud
restitution making good on a loss or damage redress reimbursement restoration
stalwart strong, sturdy; brave; resolute one who takes an uncompromising position Valiant, intrepid mainstay ------------------------------ Weak, infirm vacillating
vulnerable open to attack unprotected defenseless unguarded -------------------------------- invincible protected safe, secure