Student Wellness Policy Committee (SWC) Weld County School District 6| Nutrition Services
Overview In this document, you will find a summary of our student wellness policy goals, the history of our Action Teams, and what each Action Team is currently prioritizing this school year. You can find our full student wellness policy implementation plan on our webpage.
Student Wellness Policy Goals Below you will find the three main goals our district prioritizes. Our policy includes objectives that address mental health, however, the district has a separate policy that addresses mental health, bullying, and safety. For more information on the programs and policies the district offers regarding mental health, please visit our webpage. The district will encourage a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors. The district will support and promote proper dietary habits contributing to students’ health status and academic performance. The district will provide opportunities for students to engage in physical activity.
Action Teams In the 2017-2018 school year, the SWC developed subgroups or “Action Teams” that work on specific goals within the student wellness policy. These Action Teams include: Summer Programming Physical Activity Nutrition Education Mental Health and Professional Development Cafeteria and Recess Before Lunch Mini-grant (temporary group that reviews grants submitted by schools) On the next slide, you can explore what each Action Team has prioritized for the 2017-18 school year.
Summer Programming Physical activity during summer During the summer, provide unstructured (free play) and structured (coaching/games) at sites that are offering D6 lunches Partnership with UNC to evaluate results of summer programming UNC plans to connect with UNC interns and athletes who need volunteer hours UNC plans to define parameters, schedule monitoring days, and evaluate results
Physical Activity Initiate a joint-use physical activity agreement with the City of Greeley Hope to gain fair access to joint-use agreement between D6 and the City of Greeley. A joint-use agreement is a formal agreement between two entities that states conditions for public use of facilities. Increase physical activity opportunities for students before, during, and after school UNC plans to conduct a study with D6 to measure the amount of physical activity opportunities students have in D6 schools -for more info…List location or contact for specification (or other related documents)
Nutrition Education Sharing nutrition education information with families and the broader community to positively impact students and the health of the community, while encouraging families to teach their children about health and nutrition. Developing a quarterly booklet to be sent to parents (e-mail). Will promote recipes and non-food rewards Providing age-appropriate and culturally sensitive instruction to students that teaches them lifelong healthy eating habits. Promote resources in quarterly e-mails, including tips on how to incorporate nutrition, promotion of the Walking Classroom, messaging about National meal weeks, Earth Day, etc. Encouraging the use of school gardens as learning environments for education about nutrition, food, and sustainability Promotion of Growing Grounds, school gardens using AmeriCorps. VISTAs, and BUGS learning modules
Mental Health and Professional Development Increase number of staff trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Worked with D6 FASST (Family and Student Support Team) to increase staff trained in YMHFA Developed mini-grant that provided funding for trainings at Greeley Central and Greeley West High School Submitted CDE grant to support wellness centers in schools and provide socioemotional learning curriculum to schools Other Collaborating with community partners at the “Healthy Mind and Spirit” subgroup through Thriving Weld The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is collecting data on what students find are the most important health topics. The top topics include: Mental Health, Bullying and Safety, Stress/Peer Pressure, Drugs and Alcohol, and Sexual Education/Healthy Relationships
Cafeteria and Recess Before Lunch Increase the number of elementary schools who have Recess Before Lunch (RBL) and nutrition education posted in the cafeteria. Reward schools that implement RBL school-wide: Mural in their cafeteria (include student and Principal input). Streamline the message of current RBL research and share Increase access to more generalized information about all lunches providing x nutrients and never exceeding x nutrients, along with nutrition education. -for more info…List location or contact for specification (or other related documents)
Mini-grants Water Bottle Fillers D6 Wellness provided grants to support schools in implementing wellness initiatives. There were two rounds of funding: One provided support for wellness programming related to mental health, physical activity, or nutrition, and the second provided support to install a water bottle filler in the school. Winners and a description of what schools used their funds for are provided below. Mini-grants Water Bottle Fillers Chappelow – Running Club and support for 5K entries Early Childhood Center – Classroom movement and support for Food Friends Fred Tjardes – Scooters to support active transportation Maplewood – Gardening supplies Monfort – Equipment for Playworks Scott – Support for 5K Shawsheen – Support for flexible seating and movement tools Fred Tjardes Jefferson High School Madison Elementary