emmagem.com Presskit
Emmagem.com is a Malaysian fashion and lifestyle blog where you can "shop at your fingertips". We are a blog of collective opinions and information regarding fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Our readers can read all about the latest trends, how to's about shopping and then head on to the directory to shop. We also promote online shopping. We write about the trends, tips and tricks of fashion as well as shopping events, brand launches and fashion shows. We also have a question segment, where readers can come and ask us questions about fashion and much more. We have an extensive directory of online shopping sites at our Malaysian Online Fashion Shopping Directory (MOFSD). We acknowledge Malaysians for their fashion sense and their achievements in our "KL in The Raw" and "KL in The Prime" segment.
MOFSD is short for Malaysian Online Fashion Shopping Directory. Here, we have over 1000 e-shops/blogs hops that are operating in Malaysian Ringgit or ships to Malaysia. URL: Malaysian Online Fashion Shopping Directory (MOFSD) From the MOFSD, we have come up with feedback pages for all the online shops. Here, customers can leave feedbacks and this feedback is fully managed by emmagems admins. URL: MOFSD Feedback Page Buying and selling online just became cheaper when we started this classifieds page. Our readers can buy and sell anything that they like online on our site. URL: ds Emmagem Classifieds We also have a directory for all online cupcake sites. These sites are usually sites that takes orders online. This directory is expanding each day. Malaysias Cupcake Directory URL: /08/malaysias-online-cupcake-store- directory/ URL: Top 100 most fashionable shopping sites in Malaysia We offer online shops a chance to be voted and ranked by their customers to be the Top 100 Most Fashionable Shopping Sites in Malaysia.
Traffic Average.unique visitors 81,000.returning readers 29,491.page views 269,000 *Source: Statcounter Alexa Ranking.Alexa Ranking Worldwide 236,849 *Source: Google Analytics.Average new visitors daily 40%.Visitors Origin: Malaysia 87.20% >50% from Kuala Lumpur USA 3.15% Singapore 2.65% Others 7.00% *Source: Google Analytics *As of January 2009 Target Market Women College Students Discerning professionals Age Group years Readers Sex 95% Female 5% Male
A number of things that we can do to help you in your business. Our Services: Banner on site Refer to the next page for rates Sponsored Links on Directory Premium Sponsored Links + Sponsored Links available Advertorials Advertorials are written in our style to suit our readers. Online Promotion We also do online contests/competition. We only request for you to handle the shipping and postage costs. On Ground Events We have organized on ground events in collaboration with other brands. Please inquire if interested.
Rates A - Leaderboard 728x90RM200 per day B - Medium Rectangle 300x250RM175 per day C - Full Banner Top468x60RM150 per day D - Verticle Banner120x240RM100 per day E - Wide Skyscraper 160x600RM250 per day F - Square Button Top 125x125RM 80 per day G - Full Banner Bottom468x60RM 50 per day H - Square Button Bottom 125x125RM 35 per day I - Featured Article Slot500x221RM300 per day *Advertorials are charged separately. Please contact us. Terms & Conditions 1.Rates are in Ringgit Malaysia 2.Advertisements must be purchased with a minimum of 4 weeks straight without any cancellation once agreed. 3.This rate does not include graphics. All graphics must be done and submitted. If there is a need for a graphic designer, there will be separate charges. Accepted formats: JPEG, HTML, Flash, GIF, PNG. Graphics must be submitted as soon as possible. Possibly 3 days in advance. 4.All bookings must be done early (7 days in advance) 5.Payment must be made within 7 working days once there is an agreement. If payment is not made, the ads will not be shown and/or the booked days will be released for others (This applies to banners). 6. Please notify emmagem after payment has been made with a reference number or scanned bank receipt for reference sake. 7.Payment can be made by PAYPAL or bank transfers to be made to: Gifeart Marketing Sdn. Bhd. (EON bank ) (Company ID for online transaction: w) 8.This rates are as of January 2009