Social Anxiety Disorder Jonas Portillo 6th Period Kmetz
Causes There is some evidence that disorders/phobias might run in the family families. It usually begins in childhood and may have to do with overprotective parents and limited childhood activities.
Prevalence It’s a common disorder. It’s usually overlooked and isn’t considered a serious disorder, but can lead to substance abuse if self treatment is attempted.
Signs and symptoms Feel very self conscious in front of people. They also feel embarrassed. Are afraid that other people will judge them. Have a hard time making and keeping friends. Blush, Sweat, and Tremble around other people. Have a nauseous or sick feeling when around other people.
Most at risk Men and Women are equally both at risk. The disorder usually starts in early childhood. There's some evidence that genetics might be a factor as well.
Prevention and treatment Raising Self-Esteem Surround yourself with friends. Treatment Psychotherapy Medication Social Skills Training Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
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