Meiosis Review: A type of cell division in which one 2n cell becomes four 1n cells Built into the process is genetic variability In complex organisms, each of the final cells is practically unique!
Independent Assortment Homologous chromosomes: Chromosomes that carry information for the same genes Will be the same shape, size and have the same location of the centromere They are NOT exact copies of each other Example: If chromosome 1 has the loci for the eye color gene, chromosome 1a could have the brown gene while chromosome 1b could have the blue gene
Independent Assortment Homologous chromosomes: In humans, we have 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes
Independent Assortment Homologous chromosomes: During meiosis 1, homologous chromosomes:
Independent Assortment Homologous chromosomes:
Independent Assortment Homologous chromosomes: For an organism with 4 chromosomes (2 pairs) there are 4 possible gamete cells that can be created (2# of pairs) For humans with 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) there are 223 possible gametes that can be created or 8,388,608 possibilities
Recombination Crossing Over:
Recombination Crossing Over: Random shuffling
Gametogenesis Formation of sex cells (gametes) that occurs during meiosis In most animals, this process differs between males and females Spermatogenesis: Oogenesis: