BBL4306 WEEK 2
Research on Malaysian writers MLIE: Challenges and Prospects in the New Millennium Malchin Testament by Salleh Ben Joned
MLIE: Challenges and prospects in the new millennium Will these circumstances change? Will there be a repositioning of English in the country? Will there be a renewed interest in the language? Will Literature in English share with Sastera Melayu the central function of creating a Malaysian national consciousness and Malaysian cultural identity? Will the writer in the English language be able to overcome the many socio-cultural problems and tap into his/her resources in the future more freely?
Challenges (Quayum) What did some writers do when they felt “marginalised from the mainstream activity of nation building and formation of national culture” after the introduction of the language enactments ? English is an “alien” language. Malaysia is outside the cultural orbit of Europe. Dearth of readership due to socio cultural factors. Lack of writerly freedom. What has happened since the mid-80s? colonialism - - nationalism --- globalism