From Democracy Wall to Tiananmen Square
Political struggle in the late 1970s The Question: How far should China hold to the goals of the 1960s “Gang of Four”: Class struggle the key link Deng Xiaoping: Seek truth from facts Important political implications for many people Hua Guofeng: Two Whatevers
Deng Xiaoping’s policies Four Modernisations and Four Cardinal Principles Economic modernisation Political stability People’s reactions to this Democracy Wall
The Four Modernisations in Practice Agriculture – household responsibility system (contracting) Industry – allow private enterprises Trade – Special Economic Zones Government – retirement of party elders and rationalisation of the bureaucracy
Effects of the Reforms Problems for State Owned Enterprises Employment of migrant labourers → urban workers conditions decline Increasing gap between rich and poor Rise of entrepreneurs Increasing corruption →Social unrest → more calls for political reform
Pressure for Political Change in the late 1980s 1986 student demonstrations Zhao Ziyang “Primary stage of Socialism” Social problems in urban areas Economic downturn Inflation Businesses fail Housing reform threatened Corruption
1989 Student Demonstrations (Tiananmen Square) Aims Initially student problems Reassessment of Hu Yaobang Calls for Democracy Gorbachev visit to China Army called in to crush demonstrations