Welcome to Research Data Services DMP Support
What is a data management plan? A brief plan written at the start of a project to define: how your data will be created? how it will be documented? who will access it? where it will be stored? who will back it up? whether (and how) it will be shared & preserved? DMPs are often submitted as part of grant applications, but are useful whenever creating data.
Why develop a DMP? to help you manage your data to make informed decisions so you don’t have to figure out things as you go to anticipate and avoid problems e.g. data loss to make your life easier!
Open Data demands by funders
Open Data demands by funders
Common themes in DMPs 1. Description of data to be collected/created (i.e. content, type, format, volume…) 2. Standards/methodologies for data collection & management 3. Ethics and Intellectual Property (highlighting any restrictions on data sharing, e.g. embargo, confidentiality) 4. Plans for data sharing and access (how, when, to whom) 5. Strategy for long-term preservation
Help from RDS https://www.tudelft.nl/en/library/current-topics/research-data-management/research-data-management/setting-up-research/data-paragraphs-and-data-management-plans/
Help from Data stewards Aspirations: To raise awareness of current gaps in the researcher’s data management (e.b. back-up habits, access control...) To transform the view on the DMP from ‘bureaucratic burden’ to ‘helpful tool’. To establish a collaboration beyond the first submission deadline.
Work to do… DMPOnline tool Better integration of GDPR requirements in DMP Workshops/training LIBER DMP catalogue; official launch in June 2018 https://zenodo.org/communities/liber-dmp-cat/?page=1&size=20 RIO journal: for publishing machine-actionable DMP’s https://riojournal.com/browse_journal_articles.php?form_name=filter_articles&sortby=0&journal_id=17&search_in_=0&search_in_hidden=0§ion_type%5B%5D=231