Neni Sholihat-Personality Development Character Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development Definitions Berkowitz (2002) says character is made up of those personal characteristics that lead a person to do the right thing in a given situation as opposed to not doing the right thing. Ryan and Bohlin (1999) define good character as knowing the good, loving the good, and doing the good. Wiley (1998) suggested that character is a reliable inner disposition to act in a morally good way, having qualities such as honesty and integrity. Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development So, What is Character??? Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development Character Education To be able to judge: What is right Care deeply about what is right Do what they believe to be right, even in the face of pressure from out and temptation from within Is a deliberate effort to help people understand, care about, and act upon core ethical value Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development Indonesian Character Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Why Character Is Important? Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Why Character Is Important? Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development Character Building Character Build Through: Knowledge Pengetahuan Behavior/Act Tingkah laku/ pelaksanaan Habit Pembiasaan Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Component of Good Character Moral awareness, moral value, perspective taking, moral reasoning, decision making, self knowledge Moral Knowing Conscience, self esteem, empathy, loving the good, self control, humility Moral Feeling Competence, willingness, habit Moral Action Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development How Character taught? Conversation Story telling Analogy/metaphore Role model Habit Neni Sholihat-Personality Development
Neni Sholihat-Personality Development