PRAGMA Telescience at iGRID 2002 PRAGMA: Brought NCHC to this collaboration Demonstrate Advanced features of the Telescience Portal: Perform Telemicroscopy controlling the IVEM at NCMIR Digital Video is encapsulated in IPv6 and transmitted at 30fps over native IPv6 networks (SDSC, Abeline, SURFnet) between San Diego and Amsterdam Data will be computed with heterogeneous, distributed resources within NCMIR, NPACI, NCHC and Osaka University Render and visualize data in Amsterdam using distributed resources in NCHC Courtesy: Abel Lin, Steve Peltier, Mark Ellisman, Shinji Shimojo, Toyokazu Akiyama, Fang-Pang Lin
Grid Datafarm experiment between US and Japan HEP Application PRAGMA: Helped bring more resources to experiement Osamu Tatebe (Grid Technology Research Center, AIST) Satoshi Sekiguchi(AIST), Youhei Morita (KEK), Satoshi Matsuoka (Titech & NII), Kento Aida (Titech), Donald F. (Rick) McMullen (Indiana, TransPAC), Philip Papadopoulos (SDSC) Additional Help Hisashi Eguchi (Maffin) Kazunori Konishi, Yoshinori Kitatsuji, Ayumu Kubota (APAN) Chris Robb (Indiana Univ, Abilene) Force 10 Networks, Inc Using 4 nodes in each US and Japan, we achieved 741 Mbps for file transfer! Participants: AIST, KEK, Titech, TransPAC, SDSC Help: Maffin, APAN, Indiana U, Force 10 Networks Inc. (10-sec average bandwidth) Source: Osamu Tatebe