Sports and Entertainemnt Promotion Getting Customers Attention!
Unit Pre-test Ten minutes to complete the pre-test. No monitors should be on! Put the test under your keyboard when finished. Do not pass in the test until told to do so! No talking!
Bad Advertising Select a partner. Make a list of five things that were bad about this commercial. Make a list of five things you would do to improve the commercial. Would you get fish there? – Four sentence response required. Ten minutes
Steps of Advertising Set a measurable goal. Develop the advertising budget Create an advertising theme Choose the advertising media Create the message Develop an advertising schedule Measure the effectiveness of the advertising.
Making an Advertisement Select a partner You and your partner own a sports/entertainment business Complete the steps of advertising for your business as we review them. Save your response in a single document!
The Goal What you want to achieve from advertising. The goal needs to be specific and measurable! Create a goal for your business! Five minutes
The Budget How much you are willing to spend to increase sales. Sales should increase enough to cover the costs of advertisements and generate additional profit!
Create a Budget Create an advertisement budget for your business. Research costs and average profits for your business. Provide five sentences explaining the budget you selected. Ten minutes.
The Theme The purpose of your advertisement Tagline – the theme of the advertisement. Slogans are a great way to convey the theme! Don’t take forever to get to the point! Make a slogan for your business. Five minutes
The Media How you reach the customer with your message! Print, TV, radio, internet, billboards, magazines, etc. Media strategy – Choosing the media that will bring the most effective advertising message to the targeted consumer Reach – Number of people in the target market expected to receive the message through the chose medium.
Reaching the Customer Create three ways to reach your target customer. Be detailed! If you use a commercial you need to describe the commercial (IE what’s in it and what happens)! Make sure to identify what form of media you are using for each idea. Ten minutes
The Message What you tell the customer! Avoid wear out – occurs when advertising loses its effectiveness due to overexposure or poor message quality.
Is it Effective? How many times have you heard Gangnam Style? Do you know what the lyrics mean? How many of you feel this song has reached the wear out stage?
Warm up Quiz on Chapter 2 in 10 minutes! Review Chapter 2 material
Your Message Create a message for your business’ advertisement. Review the three reach ideas you and your partner wrote. Would your message fit with the ideas you selected? Why or why not? Five sentences. Ten minutes.
The Schedule When the customer is exposed to your advertisements. Frequency – the number of times the targeted customer is exposed to the media. Too much exposure chases customers off!
The Effectiveness Did the advertisement meet its goal? Review results and prepare for the future! Don’t make the same mistake twice! Just because something worked once doesn’t mean it will work again!
Closure Write a five sentence reflection on your Making an Advertisement activity. Seven minutes!
Warm up Review the article on intrusive advertising. Should you have to view online ads if you don’t want to? Why or why not? Write at least 150 words as a response! Nine minutes
Promotional Elements Advertising – A paid form of communication delivered by a product maker or seller to consumers. Product Placement – A product is integrated into the plot of a movie or show. Publicity – Unpaid media attention, both good and bad, about a business and its products, services, or events.
Promotional Elements Sales Promotions – additional incentives offered for a limited time to encourage consumers to buy a product. IE preorder bonuses, limited edition, signed copies. Personal selling – in person, face-to-face communication between a seller and a customer. Treat customer with respect! Do not ruin the chance of future sales!
The Purpose of Promotion Spread awareness of product, service, or event! Increase sales! Persuade regular customers to stay loyal!
Sell a Product! Select an item inside of the classroom (not brought by a student). You have seven minutes to prepare a one minute long advertisement for your product. You will stand in front of the class and present your advertisement. Be honest!
Warm up Complete your reflection on the theme park project! Turn in everything for your theme park project! IF you have all of this completed you may play a logo quiz on Mr. Fisher’s homepage Ten minutes
Publicity Free and uncontrolled. Very powerful and very unpredictable! Can be good or bad. Summarize the Google article in three sentences. Do you think Google will change its ways? Five sentences. Fifteen minutes.
Create Positive Feelings Goodwill – customer’s positive feelings about the business. Fundraisers for charity, donations, and community service are great ways to increase goodwill!
Damage Control Sometimes things go badly. How do you address problems? Publicist – responsible for maintaining relations with the public and news media. The public is more accepting of companies that admit their mistakes! Lies lose business!
Bad news?
What Do You Think? Does Olive Garden and Red Lobster’s part time policy seem fair? Are you going to stop eating at these places? Why or Why not? Are you willing to pay more for the same food?
Closure Write a five sentence reflection on your Selling a Product activity. Seven minutes!