Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping Regional Bureau Dakar Sahel Shock Response Dakar, 14th December 2017
Sahel Shock Response Strategy: Background Sahel already affected by growing conflict and instability and vulnerable to extreme climate variations Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger Focus on reinforcing partnerships, so as to ensure sustainable national and sub-national medium to long-term planning 12/31/2018
Sahel Shock Response Strategy: Objectives Analysis of current WFP, partner & Government emergency preparedness and response capacity. Understand what would happen in a bigger scenario/big drought/big calamity. Consider how WFP is prepared- as well as Governments and partners- to respond to a bigger crisis and what potential challenges could be faced. While on the ground, look into the feasible opportunities and best practices to, ideally, move towards the humanitarian-development nexus and implementing/operationalizing the Sahel scale up plan. 12/31/2018
Sahel Shock Response Strategy: Activities Phase 1 (ongoing): Desk Review & Scenario Building. Phase 2 (December 2017-January 2018 inclusive): Scoping missions are to be carried out in the five countries. Phase 3 (March): Recommendations/Strategy and Action Plan. 12/31/2018
Sahel Shock Response Strategy: Long-term Knowledge of skills and expertise transferred and shared with the Governments and national counter-parts during the food security analysis, early warning and simulations, should allow for the Government to outline an implementation plan, not only within their disaster risk management schemes, but also part of their Zero Hunger Review Where there are still gaps, WFP will work to provide the necessary support within a targeted approach that will include, but not be limited to; a market-based approach, as well as social and gender protection schemes to empower communities going forward. 12/31/2018
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