The Apology of Socrates Miss Johnson
The Apology of Socrates Written Text Recording of the apology given by Socrates at his trial The trial took place in 399 B.C. Historical Context After Peloponnesian War The Thirty overthrown for democracy
Written by Plato Authorship Aristocratic Athenian 429 – 347 B.C. Aristocratic Athenian Philosopher and mathematician Studied under Socrates The Academy A philosophical school Founded in 385 B.C.
Socrates Socrates was one of the most famous ancient Greek philosophers Lived in Athens from 470 – 399 B.C. All we know about Socrates is due to Plato’s writing on him Never wrote anything down Famous for his “Socratic Method” of teaching” teaching by asking questions Put on trial for impiety and “corrupting the youth” of Athens Apology: a reasoned argument or writing in justification of something; no admission of wrongdoing Greek apologia “defense speech” YAoTI1tuteI/UCL3DZPUcqI/AAAAAAAAAJo/p- tmtv3cYfw/s1600/3athens.jpg