The Delta Experience Recognizing the Importance of Transition As We Think, Act, & Lead With Our Purpose
Transitions Think about Major Transitions you have gone through. What made it easier to go through the transition? What made it harder to go through the transition?
The Delta Experience In scientific conventions the Greek letter Delta symbolizes “change.” The senior year in the life of an Alpha Gamma Delta is a time of intense growth and change. In recognition and honor of this change, The Delta Experience has been created. Delta is Senior specific programming to help aid the transition from collegian to alumnae.
Why Senior Specific Programming? Alpha Gamma Delta recognizes that Senior women still care for the fraternity, but have competing needs as they transition from college to “the real world.” The Delta Experience reinforces a sense of community with sisters and allows our members to find new strength in those associations as they go through this major transition in their lives. The Delta Experience supports our seniors as they are given the opportunity to be together in fun, meaningful ways while exploring opportunities for involvement with alumnae prior to graduation. Alpha Gamma Delta is for life—this experience provides the opportunity for a successful transition into alumna involvement with the Fraternity.
What does it look like? Workshop at the beginning of the senior year regarding The Delta Experience. Senior Program Coordinator s/elected by senior class who works in conjunction with VPMD. Seniors excused from 2 chapter meetings during each of their final 2 terms in school. Special senior programming decided on by the senior class. Attendance at Junior Circle/Alumnae meetings instead of chapter meetings 2-3 times a year. (If not one nearby, there are resources to help your chapter – talk to a Delta Program Specialist or Adopt-A-Chapter) Senior Recognition week including Rededication Ceremony.
Suggested Programming Ideas Money Management and Budgeting Resume Writing Workshop Business Etiquette Leaving a Legacy – program is developed and will be on website Becoming an Alpha Gam volunteer Interviewing Skills – Mock Interviews done with help of alums Book Club using How to Survive the Real World: Life After College Graduation (every senior receives a copy from The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation)
Suggested Programming Ideas Progressive Dinner – practice etiquette skills Poker Night – how it applies to skills one might need in life Spa/Manicure Event Time Capsules – made during Alpha Experience, opened during Senior Appreciation Week Other suggestions will be on Website
Making Delta Work With The Chapter’s Calendar Delta Programs occur during Program Chapter Meetings. (If your chapter is not currently alternating business/program meetings, please consult with a Delta Program Specialist for Assistance). Alumnae events can take the place of a program meeting for Seniors. (i.e. Alumnae/Advisors are meeting at a local restaurant for trivia on Thursday night. Chapter meetings are usually on Monday night. Seniors can attend Thursday trivia instead of chapter on Monday)
Things to Think About With Seniors Still connected and interested with Alpha Gamma Delta, but have competing needs. Many resources for seniors are literally right at their fingertips within Alpha Gamma Delta – just need to be aware of them/reminders. Seniors represent “wisdom” within the chapter and are a valuable resource.
Need More Info? If you have any questions about implementing The Delta Experience, please contact the Delta Program Specialists: Laura Nyre Knudson Kristine Ashford 1715 Hillview Road 1169 Townhouse Circle Apt. C Shoreview MN 55126 Gardnerville NV 89410 (952) 913-2431 (864) 320-5593 Or Us: The Delta Experience of Alpha Gamma Delta