Anne-Isabelle ETIENVRE Top quark physics Anne-Isabelle ETIENVRE
Outline Introduction Top quark discovery: a long search! Top-antitop production at hadron colliders Single top production Sensitivity to physics beyond Standard Model 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Introduction (1/2) Identity card (a peculiar quark): SU(2)L partner of the bottom Q = 2/3, T3=1/2 Heaviest quark (gold atom!): 40 * m(bottom quark), Mtop = 172.5 ± 1.2 GeV/c2 (Tevatron) Produced predominantly (in hadron-hadron collisions) by strong interaction Width Gtop = 1-2 GeV/c2 (increases with top mass) Corresponding lifetime short = 0.5 x 10-24 s Top decays before hadronisation keeping its properties 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Introduction (2/2) Identity card: For each measurement, we will see: Yukawa coupling ytop = 1 (mtop = yt v2) Decays almost exclusively through t Wb: In the Standard Model, 99.9% i.e. CKM matrix |Vtb|1 For each measurement, we will see: Why it is interesting to be performed Where do we stand What we should learn with LHC 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Motivations for top quark physics studies Top quark exists and will be produced abundantly In Standard Model (SM): top- and W-mass constrain Higgs mass through radiative corrections Scrutinize SM by precise determination of the top quark mass Beyond SM: new physics? Many heavy particles decay in tt Handle on new physics by detailed properties of top Experiment: top quark useful to calibrate the detector Commissioning (jet energy scale, b-tagging,..) Beyond top quark: Top quarks will be a major source of background for many searchs (Higgs, SUSY, exotics,…) 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark discovery (1975 1995) 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark discovery 1974 : 2 quarks and leptons families A third family 1974 : 2 quarks and leptons families 1975: t discovery (SLAC) a third family is needed! 1977 : b quark discovery (Y resonance ) μ+μ- spectrum b quark should have an electroweak partner : the top quark 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark discovery Direct searches: Search for a toponium (bounded state t t) around 27 GeV/c2 top mass expected around 15 GeV/c2 (mass s/c/b : 0.5/1.5/4.5 -> mtop~15 GeV/c2) Search at the e+e- colliders: DESY-PETRA (1980) : s = 12 -36 GeV mtop > 30 GeV/c2 LEP 1 (1989), study of Z t t , with s = 91 GeV mtop > 45.8 GeV/c2 Search at the p p̅ colliders: UA1 and UA2 (1981 -> 1990) , s = 640 GeV mtop > 69 GeV/c2 « discovery » by UA1 in 1984 (mtop= 40 GeV/c2) : 9 signal evts / 0.2 background evts (background was underestimated) Tevatron (1990 1992), s = 1.8 TeV mtop > 91 GeV/c2 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark discovery Discovery : Tevatron (1995) Indirect searches: mtop = 176 ± 8 (stat.) ± 10 (syst.) GeV/c2 (CDF) mtop = 199 ± 19(stat.) ± 22 (syst.) GeV/c2 (D0) Indirect searches: Precise electroweak measurements correlated to the radiative corrections: Dr = K mtop2 , Drrésiduel= f(ln(mH2)) 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark discovery Top mass evolution Tevatron discovery Current measurement 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Colliders Tevatron (p p̅ ), s = 1.96 TeV LHC (pp): s = 14 TeV Luminosity: 2.7 fb-1 summer 2008 20 pb-1 december 2008 ( s = 10 TeV) 7-8 fb-1 2009 1 fb-1 2009 ( s = 14 TeV) expected! Tevatron (p p̅ ), s = 1.96 TeV LHC (pp): s = 14 TeV 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Colliders Cross section comparison Tevatron/LHC Process Tevatron (pb) LHC (pb) tt̅ 6.8 833 bb̅ 2.8 104 2.2 107 W+2jets 1.3 103 18 103 WW 12.0 117 WZ 3.68 23 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Colliders Comparison Tevatron/LHC ( s = 10 TeV) Luminosity Number of inclusive tt Number of W (lv)+jets (background) Start-up LHC ( s = 10 TeV) 20 pb-1 ≈ 16 000 ≈ 2.4 105 Low-luminosity LHC (2009) 1 fb-1 ≈ 800 000 ≈ 120 105 Tevatron (summer 2009) 5.1 fb-1 ≈ 35 000 ≈ 2.0 106 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Total collected before start LHC Top pair production Opposite @ Tevatron Production (strong interaction): Cross section LHC NLO(tt) = 834 ± 100 pb Tevatron: 7 pb Comparison to other production processes @ LHC: ~90% gg ~10% qq process (pb) Total collected before start LHC bb 5108 109 Zee 1.5103 107 Wℓ (ℓ=e,μ) 3104 tt 830 104 H(130 GeV/c2) 1 ? LHC is (also) a top factory! 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark decay Standard Model: Branching ratio / main backgrounds Br(tWb) 100% Studies % products of W decay Branching ratio / main backgrounds In tt events: Background: QCD (bb̅) Large combinatorial background Clean but low BR Many unknowns Bkgd:Z+jets, W+ jets, Z+jets, WW+jets, QCD (bb̅) Golden channel: Good B.R. Clean sample (background = W+jets, Z+jets, diboson, QCD) 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Systematic errors in top quark studies Jet energy scale (light jets / b-jets) LHC aim : jet energy knowledge better than 1 % light jet energy scale contribution: can be strongly reduced using an in-situ calibration based on the W mass constraint (see later on) B jet energy scale: Dominant jet energy scale Tevatron : estimated from Monte Carlo (global rescaling factor) LHC : could be estimated from data 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Systematic errors in top quark studies Initial and final state radiations (ISR, FSR) ISR Enhancement of the combinatorial background Bias on the top quark mass (over-estimation of the jet energies in the final state) FSR : Bias on the top quark mass (under-estimation of the jet energies in the final state) Estimated on Monte Carlo at the Tevatron Could be estimated on data at LHC b-quark fragmentation error estimated changing the Peterson parameter (-0.006 ) within its theoretical uncertainty (0.0025) combinatorial background error estimated varying the background shape and size in the fitting procedure 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top-antitop production Mass measurement top-antitop cross section measurement 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement Why do we need a precise measurement of mtop? The uncertainties on mtop, and mW are the dominating ones in the electroweak fit Precise measurement of mtop, mW one can get information on the missing parameter mHiggs one can test the validity of the Standard Model Dr = K mtop2 , Drrésiduel= f(ln(mH2)) 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement Present measurement (Tevatron, July 2008): Mtop= 172.4 ± 0.7 (stat.) ± 1.0 (syst.) Most accurate measurement in the l+jets channel 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement Electroweak fit: The blue band plot Incidence of precision: On Da: On mtop: mtop (2007) = 170.9 ± 1.8 GeV (2007) On mW: if with the same central values , 33 24 76 + - = H m 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement Electroweak fit: direct mtop and mw indirect mtop and mw 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement Leptonic side Hadronic side At LHC : Lepton+jets channel Event selection: Direct hadronic top reconstruction: Pairing of the 2 light jets < hadronic W Association hadronic W b-jet Typical selection efficiency: ~5-10%: Isolated lepton PT>20 GeV ETmiss>20 GeV ≥ 2 light jets and 2 b-jets with pT>40 GeV S/B: 10-4 30 for a generated top mass = 175 GeV/c2 : M(top) = 175.0 ± 0.3 GeV/c2 s(top) = 11.8 ± 0.3 GeV/c2 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement Lepton + jets channel (cont.) Systematic uncertainties: Jet energy scale (JES): light jet energy scale constrained by an in-situ rescaling based on the W mass b jet energy scale: dominant source of uncertainty Statistical uncertainty will be quickly negligible; Error on the top mass = 1 to 3.5 GeV for a JES = 1 to 5 % 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement In-situ light jet energy scale (LHC) Light jet energy scale using W constraint: Template histograms of the invariant mass mjj have been generated, from W qq PYTHIA for several values of the energy scale a c2 (template – data) minimum a All jets are calibrated with a a can be evaluated % energy, and h Ratio E(light jet) / E(b jets) estimated on Monte Carlo 1% on JES is achievable with 1 fb-1 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement Alternative measurements: Di-leptons 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark mass measurement Top quark mass measurement expected for 10 fb-1 l +jets di-lepton All-jets ATLAS (stat.) 0.05 0.04 0.18 (syst.) 1 1.7 3 CMS 0.3 0.5 0.2 1.3 1.1 4.2 Huge effort to be performed for JES in order to reach < 1 GeV 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Cross section measurement Motivations for a precise measurement of s(tt): Sensitivity to new physics: Search for resonances Beyond Standard Model top decay Not seen up to now (Tevatron) Indirect top mass measurement First step = reconstruction of the tt final state (in common with top mass) 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Cross section measurement Cross section estimation: Counting method: 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Cross section measurement Present tt cross section measurement (Tevatron): Stat. syst. Lumi Stat. syst. Lumi. 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Cross section measurement Studies at LHC Early measurement (100 pb-1) Counting method Di-lepton channel:(in % of the cross-section): Systematic uncertainties dominated by JES, ISR and FSR, luminosity L+jets channel (in % of the cross-section): Systematic uncertainties dominated by JES and ISR/FSR, luminosity ATLAS ATLAS 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top mass from tt cross section Assuming that tt production is governed by Standard Model, mtop can be extracted from s(tt) If Ds/s(theo.) 5%, and Ds/s(exp.) 5 %, Dmtop 2.6 GeV Not so far from direct measurements at the beginning of LHC 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Single top production 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Single top production Electroweak production of the top quark: 3 channels s channel: Cross section Tevatron = 0.88 ± 0.14 pb Cross section LHC : 10 ± 0.8 pb t channel : Cross section Tevatron = 1.98 ± 0.30 pb Cross section LHC: 245 ± 30 pb Wt channel : Cross sectionTevatron = 0.21 ± 0.03 pb Not reachable @ Tevatron Cross section LHC : 60 ± 15 pb 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Single top production Interest of the measurement: Cross section proportional to |Vtb|2 : single top is a way to measure |Vtb| Irreducible background for many processes (Higgs, SUSY) Sensitivity to new physics Each of the processes have different systematic errors for Vtb and are sensitive to different new physics 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Single top production Tevatron study: Challenge Low Cross sections Large background (W+ 2 jets) S and t channels can be observed, Wt not reachable Evidence for single top process at Tevatron in 2006 for the first time (both s and t channels) July 2008 results D0 will update its results with more statistic 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Single top production At LHC: With 1 fb-1, an accurate measurement is foreseen in t and Wt channels; s channel could be seen with 10 fb-1, but difficult (background) The Wt channel should be observed for the first time A limit on |Vtb| will be extracted from this measurement Process s/s (1 fb-1) Systematic t channel 23 % Luminosity, b-tagging, JES, ISR/FSR Wt 20.5% s 52% Background, luminosity, b-tagging, JES, ISR/FSR 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Physics beyond Standard Model In top – antitop production In single top production No evidence seen at Tevatron At LHC? 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Physics beyond Standard Model In top pair production Search for heavy resonance in M(tt) Non Standard Model distribution of M(tt) would be a signal of heavy particle X tt Interference from non SM process Would also appear as a deviation in ds(tt)/dm(tt) Example: Z’ search Z’ is an hypothetical massive boson (spin 1) predicted by several extensions of SM 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Physics beyond Standard Model In top pair production Z’ search LHC: For mZ’ = 700 GeV/c2, Can be discovered if s > 11 pb for an inclusive decay -- >tt Likelihood analysis: No excess M(Z’) > 760 GeV @ 95% C.L. 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Physics beyond Standard Model Sensitivity to charged Higgs: Context: In Minimal extension of Standard Model (MSSM): 2 Higgs doublet 5 Higgs boson (h,H,A,H+,H-) Charged Higgs could modify top decay (BR(t Wb)≠ 1) Can be searched in single top or in tt production 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Physics beyond Standard Model Sensitivity to charged Higgs Example in tt production: mH+ < mtop 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Physics beyond Standard Model Sensitivity to charged Higgs search in single top production: for H+ mass > mtop Leads to same final state as s-channel 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Physics beyond Standard Model In single top production: Modification of the coupling (Flavour Changing Neutral Current : « FCNC »): tcZ, tcg, tcg,… Strongly suppressed in SM (BR 10-13 – 10-11) Less suppressed in MSSM (10-6 – 10-4) 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Physics beyond Standard Model In single top production FCNC @Tevatron BR(tqg) < 0.03 @ 95% C.L. BR(tqZ) < 0.04 @ 95% C.L. BR(tqg) < 0.01 @ 95% C.L. FCNC @ LHC (1 fb-1) B.R. t->Zq 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Top quark electric charge Never measured: should be 2/3, but -4/3 exist in non SM Tevatron (l+jets channel): measurement via b-jet charge measurement LHC : measurement should be achieved with 1 fb-1 jet e,m b-jet n B-jet MET Qt= - 4/3 e excluded @ 94% C.L. 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
W polarisation Goal: tt decay (l+jets) used for W polarisation study SM: 2 states of helicity: F- = 0.297, F0 = 0.703 (LO) 2 discriminant distributions: pT(lepton) angle(lepton, W) t b W Left-handed W (lW=-1 ) Longitudinal W (lW=0 ) Right-handed W (lW=+1 ) 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
W polarisation Results LHC: D0: CDF: no evidence for physics beyond SM LHC: Polarisation measurement @1-2 % with 10 fb-1 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Conclusion Tevatron and LHC are complementary Mass ≈ 1 % <1% @2fb-1 LHC: goals for 10fb-1 Mass ≈ 1 % <1% Cross section 10% <5% Top properties W polarisation Spin correlations Charge FCNC 40% _ -4/3 excluded 94% Limits 2% 4% -4/3 excluded Limits better x 100 Single Top Discovery @ 5? Seems difficult Precise measurement (10%) + Wt channel 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008
Conclusion What could we do with the first data taken @LHC? This year: s = 10 TeV cross section top-antitop divided by 2 Many tops should be produced And used as a tool for commissioning (JES, b-tagging) But also first cross section measurement Next year: s = 14 TeV With 1 fb-1, several measurements should be achieved Their precision relies strongly on how well we will understand our detector 16/09/08 A.-I.Etienvre-FAPPS 2008