Database Search Project This five day library research project, based on Michael Eisner’s Big 6 Research Skills and David Loertscher’s Quest Model, will introduce students to the library databases and essential research skills.
Task Definition Goals for the Library Goals for the Classroom Students will be introduced to basic database searching. Each individual will receive a topic that involves current or controversial issues. Students will take notes daily, from the lecture at the beginning of class. Students will find two sources from the EDHS databases on their topics. Students will record source information and take ten bullet point notes from each source. Information that is copied word for word will be in quotes. A formal typed outline will be due at the end of the week. Goals for the Classroom Parenthetical documentation and Works Cited format will be covered in class. A research paper that matches the outline will be written with a Works Cited page. Students will present information to the class as an expository or persuasive speech, or debate. Students will record source information and take ten bullet point notes from each source. Students will arrange notes in an outline
Information Seeking Strategies OPAC Review of the online catalog and the three types of searches. Review strategies for finding information in books, including using the index to locate topic. Discuss call numbers and how to find books both in reference and in the other nonfiction sections. Students will need at least one book source Online Databases- The LMT will present the online databases focusing on Thomson Gale’s Opposing Viewpoints. Search strategies will be reviewed and helpful hints for difficult searches. Students will need at least one database journal article. Additional Resources from Opposing Viewpoints The LMT will go through each of the additional resources to explain the type of information that will be given in each tab and benefits of having access to these diverse sources: Viewpoints, Reference, Statistics, Magazines and Newspapers, Images, Primary Documents, Websites. Students will use at least one of these additional resources.
KWL Chart Before beginning the research process, it is important for students to assess what they already know about doing research. To fill out the KWL handout, students will write down everything they already know about library research, the library databases, OPAC, and their specific research topics when they are assigned. After students have completed the first column, they should take time to think about what they want to learn about doing research, or about their topics. Brainstorm some ideas together as a class.
Information Seeking Strategies The LMT will show how to locate the library databases: EDHS.ORG > LIBRARY > Reliable News Sources *Click on OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS Select an issue or type in a search term. Locate the number of articles available at the top of the page. How does a person know which articles to choose: Skim articles, Look for good solid facts, Make sure that the information is presented in a way that is not too difficult to understand. Students will select at least one article from a database. LMT will show students the tabs across the top of the page: Viewpoints, Reference, Statistics, Magazines and Newspapers, Images, Primary Documents, Websites Review Search Tips from the Opposing Viewpoints Research Center together. Students will select at least one source from the tabs.
EDHS Databases There are many databases listed on the library home page under reliable news sources. These sites provide good information for any research project. To get to the Opposing Viewpoints site go to the library and click on it.
Searching the database. To search this site, either pick a topic from the list of resources, or type in a keyword. Other search tips will be covered later. When you select a topic, the next page will give you lists of articles available.
Viewpoints The first articles that appear are diverse viewpoints on this topic. The total amount of articles available is listed at the top of the of the page.
References The next tab at the top of the page lists references. These articles provide factual information on the topic given, without adding opinionated comments.
Statistics The next tab at the top of the page is Statistics. This page will provide graphs and charts that illustrate information on the given topic. This visual representation is a unique way of illustrating the fact and statistics.
Images The next tab on the Opposing Viewpoints database provides images on the topic. This is a great resource for oral presentations. The images are clearly labeled and detailed explanations are provided.
Websites The final tab provided here will give reliable web sites on this topic. Please remember that only valid, well-documented sites such as the ones listed here, are appropriate for a research paper. If a site has no author and or organization associated with the information, it should not be used for this type of paper.
Search Tips The Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center offers additional suggestions for searching any given topic. If your search is providing only limited information, please ask the reference librarian for search terms or strategies that may yield better results.
Location and Access Topic selection. Topic choices are given. Plan and Mobilize Topic selection. Topic choices are given. There can be up to six students on one topic for debate teams, or individual topics for speeches. After students have selected topics, they will add information to their KWL charts and fill in the sections entitled: What I Know and What I Want to Know about their topics. They will work individually first, and then may add to it when discussing the topic in their groups. In groups they will decide how information will be divided and the focus of each student’s research. The class will be divided: half on computers for database search, half to OPAC for book search. Note taking sheets are then given to the students. Source information is recorded at the top of the page. The LMT will review how to record source information before they begin research.
Use of Information Work, Work, Work As students find information on their topics they will take notes and record source information accurately. When this stage of the work is completed and they have used the required sources, they will be ready to organize their information in an outline. The LMT and classroom teacher will review: Thesis statements and research questions. How to find main ideas. Putting facts in quotes and documenting each fact. In the classroom they will more thoroughly discuss parenthetical documentation and the details of the Works Cited page. A typed outline is due at the end of the week in the library.
Synthesis Conclude Research Papers must follow all instructions on the handout and follow the MLA style guide. Factual information from the sources must be documented. Opinions are in quotes. An introduction and conclusion must be added. A Works Cited page will follow the body of the paper. Share Oral Presentations are persuasive and although solid facts are given, opinion may be added to the commentary. Document all facts and statistics orally by stating the source. Debaters- Prepare with group members for order of presentation: how will the information be delivered? Who will go first, second, third?
Evaluation Reflect KWL chart-Students will fill out the final section on the chart to analyze what they have learned during the research process, and during the speeches and debates. Students will evaluate all presentations on the Oral Presentation Rubric. Self assessment- Students will evaluate their own performance using the rubrics given.
KWL Chart As students are finishing the research process, it is important for students to assess what they have learned about doing research and about their topics To fill out the final column on the KWL handout, students will write down everything they learned about library research, the library databases, OPAC, their specific research topics and anything else they want to add. Discuss some of the ideas together as a class so that students can think about all the various aspects of the research project.
References Katz, W. A. (2002). Introduction to reference work: Basic information services. New York, NY: Mc Graw-Hill. Loertscher, D. V. (2006). SuperTeaching: 15 THINK! Models for Instructional Improvement in College Courses, Online Learning, and Professional Development. Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing. (2005). Know/want to know/learned. Retrieved May 21, 2007, from Just Read Now