BCELC Leadership Seminar Series Caren Cameron
Learning Intentions: Understand and explain the concept of assessment for learning Summarize key research findings regarding impact of assessment on learning and motivation Identify and explain six AFL practices and give specific examples for each one Explore and describe ways leaders create conditions for increasing assessment literacy Determine specific next steps
5 countries 250 Studies Three Questions Inside the Black Box Meta-analysis/large sample 3 Questions: Does classroom assessment make a difference on learning? If it does, how much? What are the practices that are happening that make the most difference? Results – AFL more than any other innovation, except for 1 on 1 instruction, proved to product the greatest gains for all students and especially low achievers. Three Questions
Distinct Differences Assessment FOR Assessment OF Learning Measuring Students Public/Parents Descriptive % # Symbols (A,B,etc) Assessment is information for different purposes to different audiences in different forms at different times. Descriptive – words, what you are doing and what you are not doing, what needs to change. We do assessment for learning so students perform better on assessment of learning. Its not an either or. There is a place for both. Need to consider purpose…why is it being done? Can’t do both at the same time – put a grade and comments – or won’t be good at either. Can’t use the same club to putt and drive. Daily Event
Assessment For Learning “..any assessment for which the first priority in its design and practice is to serve the purpose of promoting pupils’ learning” Black et al, 2002
9 AFL Practice #1 Learning Intent – Let students know (in a language they can understand) what they are expected to learn. Need to be posted and visible, in student friendly language What is it you are supposed to be learning. Ask students often throughout the lesson. As in sports, destination is key. Begin with the end in mind.
AFL Practice #2 Criteria – Provide and work with learners to develop criteria so they know what quality looks like. All about student involvement – sharing the cards with the students.
AFL Practice #3 Feedback – Increase the amount of description feedback and decrease evaluative feedback. Stop putting a mark on everything. The mark doesn’t help me get better. Affirmation is not information to help me get better. We are supposed to do our best to help students learn. “When the horse you are riding is dead, get off.”
Increase quality question to show evidence of learning. AFL Practice #4 Questions – Increase quality question to show evidence of learning. Questions shift from measuring questions, do you know it or don’t you?, to questions that increase learning; Is 7 a prime number? – to – 7 is a prime number, why is that? Assess understanding not just knowledge.
Involve learners in self and peer assessment. AFL Practice #5 Self and Peer Assessment – Involve learners in self and peer assessment. Metacognition, self-monitoring. The most important voice in learning is your own – what’s working? What isn’t? what’s the next step?
AFL Practice #6 Student Ownership – Have student communicate their own learning with others (inside and outside the classroom). Take a role in showing understanding and what they have learned. Find ways to have learners talk to others about their learning and growth.
You can weigh a pig all you want, but it won’t help the pig put on weight. self assessment intent feedback criteria
Golf Analogies When it comes to assessment – think purpose, purpose, purpose. What’s the purpose of the assessment? For or Of? There isn’t a club that can both drive and putt. You need to use one or the other. You don’t learn how to golf by someone giving you a score on your technique. You learn by receiving descriptive feedback. In many schools, it’s like playing golf but no one put the flags in. As in sports, destination is key.
Assessment for learning quotes… “feedback is often the spark that ignites motivation” Marzano “four words to improve teaching – talk less – ask more” Smith “when students know the destination they are more likely to arrive” Stiggins “Feedback is information. ‘Good job!’ is not feedback’ it’s praise. Praise isn’t information; it’s affirmation. Feedback is information you use. It’s descriptive and useful information about what you did and didn’t do in light of a goal.” Wiggins
What AFL strategies do you use in your classroom?
Assessment FOR Learning: Practical Ideas for Secondary Teachers to Use Tomorrow
Practical AFL Ideas for Secondary Learners There are many practical ways that teachers are increasing Assessment FOR Learning practices across the province and around the world. Adapt ideas in ways that work for you, your students and your community. Take some time to collaborate with colleagues to create a practical AFL strategy you could use with your students tomorrow.
AFL Strategy To Use Tomorrow Description of AFL Strategy/Idea What AFL Practice did your strategy/idea address? Learning Intent 4. Questions Criteria 5. Self and Peer Assessment Feedback 6. Student Ownership How is this assessment for learning and how will it help students learn? 5 minute walk with a partner, join up with partners, group share
Self-Reflection What AFL Strategy/Idea did you try? What AFL Practice did your strategy/idea address? Learning Intent 4. Questions Criteria 5. Self and Peer Assessment Feedback 6. Student Ownership What worked well? What didn’t work well? Reflect, give me some info on how things went. What would you do differently/change? Did this help your students learn? Y N Would you use this strategy/idea again? Y N