World History: Unit 3, Chapter 8, Section 2 Life in the Industrial Age 1800-1900: Scientific and Medical Achievements
Main Idea Advances in science, medicine and the social sciences led to new theories about the natural world and human mind, improved quality of life, and longer life spans
New Ideas in Science: Charles Darwin Developed “Theory of Evolution”: species will evolve with their environment Differed from creation story in the Bible Geologist Charles Darwin studied variations among plants and animals, published theories in On the Origin of Species QC What were some of the new ideas in science?
Geologist Charles Darwin studied variations among plants and animals, published theories in On the Origin of Species
Dmitri Mendeleyev 1871: Russian chemist arranged the periodic table even leaving gaps knowing that some elements were yet to be discovered
Marie and Pierre Curie 1898: French chemists discovered polonium and radium and concluded that certain elements release energy when they break down (radioactivity) First woman to teach at the Sorbonne in Paris Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903, Chemistry in 1911 Died from leukemia caused by exposure to radiation
Albert Einstein 1905: German- Jewish scientist that revolutionized physics Overturned theories of Sir Isaac Newton
Einstein continued Developed “special theory of relativity”: no particle of matter can move faster than the speed of light E=mc2: a small amount of mass can be converted into huge amounts of energy
Medical Breakthroughs 1870: Louis Pasteur showed the link between microbes and disease, disproving spontaneous generation Discovered that bacteria cause fermentation Pasteurization: the process of heating to high temperatures to destroy bacteria that cause disease Developed vaccine for anthrax and rabies in 1885
Louis Pasteur
Improving Medical Care 1842: American surgeon Crawford W. Long- used an anesthetic-first painless operation involving ether 1860s: English surgeon Joseph Lister cleans wounds with an antiseptic containing carbolic acid reducing deaths Improvements in modern hospitals, more nurse schooling 1900: 5% of American physicians were women 1800: 240 infant deaths per 1000 1898: 91 per 1000 QC what medical breakthroughs affected the quality of life?
New Ideas in Social Sciences Late 1800s: psychology, archaeology, anthropology, and sociology born 1890s: psychology, the study of the mind and human behavior emerged
Ivan Pavlov Studied animals to better understand humans. Concluded that human behavior is similar. Rang a bell each time he fed dogs, realized dogs began to salivate at the sound of the bell Called it “the conditioned reflex”
Sigmund Freud Austrian-Jewish physician Therapy called “psychoanalysis” Argued the unconscious part of the mind contains thoughts of which one is unaware
Other Social Sciences Archeology: study of the past based on artifacts Anthropology: study of humanity and human ancestors Sociology: study of people in groups in their own societies QC What new ideas developed within the social sciences?