On your small square of paper: Warm Up: On your small square of paper: Where did your historical figure grow up? What was his childhood like? How was he involved in the American Revolution?
What events caused unrest in the colonies? Today’s Question: What events caused unrest in the colonies?
Agenda: In groups: Finish unrest stations Class discussion/video clips: which events contributed most to unrest in the colonies? Read Aloud: Let it Begin Here!
Events Causing Unrest: With your group: You will have 5 minutes at each station. Read the card and look at the picture. Record “what happened” As a group, decide the degree of unrest this event caused. Fill in your unrest-o-meter. You must ALL AGREE! Fill out the rest of your chart.
Vocab Words: Tax: a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services. Taxes are placed upon incomes, property, sales, etc Boycott: refusal to buy or use something Monopoly: the complete control of an entire supply of goods in a certain area Coerce: to force someone to do something
Proclamation of 1763
Rational for Unrest Rating Proclamation of 1763 What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating
The Quartering Act
Rational for Unrest Rating The Quartering Act What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating
The Stamp Act
Rational for Unrest Rating The Stamp Act What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating
The Townshend Acts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdpKEs_dMHc
Rational for Unrest Rating The Townshend Acts What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzCu2R0Zwso Boston Massacre
Rational for Unrest Rating Boston Massacre What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating
Boston Tea Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR77JNqdOI0
Rational for Unrest Rating Boston Tea Party What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating
Intolerable Acts
Rational for Unrest Rating Intolerable Acts What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating
First Continental Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GckRP2xRKNw
First Continental Congress What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating
Lexington & Concord
Rational for Unrest Rating Lexington and Concord What happened Unrest Rating Rational for Unrest Rating