“Deep Dive” (your company name) (Company logo) On this slide, insert the name of your company and your company logo, if available. YOU WILL HAVE 10 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THIS PRESENTATION !! WE WILL TIME YOU !!
Technology Description Describe the technology in a short 1-2 sentence statement. Tell what the technology IS and what it DOES. What BENEFITS does it provide? What PROBLEM/PAIN does it address? Do not describe HOW the technology works. Do not overload with technical detail.
Technology Development & Certification How ready is the innovation for introduction to the market? Include: Current development status: Is it fully developed, finished testing, field testing, prototype, still in the idea or concept stage? What needs to be done next? More R&D? Manpower? More quality/clinical tests? Do you need to get certification for your technology? If so, what kind of certification? If you don’t have it yet, are you planning to get it? What’s your plan to obtain the certification? FOR WHAT MARKETS OR SECTORS WILL CERTIFICATION BE REQUIRED, AND WHY? When do you think the development and/or certifications will be done? What resources are required for development/certification? PLEASE BE BRIEF, AND DO NOT USE COMPLETE SENTENCES – BULLET POINTS ONLY!!
IP Protection Status What has been done to protect the intellectual property? Do you have, or have you registered for, patents? If so, what type: design, process? What do/will they protect? Other IP protection strategies, such as trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights? Have you published information or spoken publically about your technology? Do you own it, does a university own it, is it shared with someone else?
Market Interest On this slide, please briefly list any customers who have purchased your product, any companies that are interested in piloting or testing your product, and/or any pending testing, evaluation, pilot or sale. Please use bullets and do not use complete sentences and be as brief as possible. No graphics or photos, please!
Competition If you are aware of your potential competitors, please list them here in bullets.
Risks and Barriers List risks and barriers that you expect to encounter, how you determined this list, and why each is a barrier.
Team Status Who is on your team today, what is their title/function, and how many years of experience they have in this type of business.