Fredric Jones Positive Discipline Octavia S. Sloan March 28, 2012 ECED 3271-01 Lyn Steed
Basic Tenets Positive Discipline is “the business of enforcing classroom standards and building patterns of cooperation to maximize learning and minimize disruptions.”
The Three-Tiered Management System Basic Tenets The Three-Tiered Management System 1.)Limit-setting 2.) Incentive systems 3.) Back-up systems Jones Positive Classroom Discipline is created by using 3 different methods that are put together to form his 3 tier management system
Basic Tenets Limit-setting Involves effective body language (eye contact, physical proximity, body carriage, facial expression) There must be a positive setting between teacher and student. Control the student's natural reflexes and prompt students back to work.
Basic Tenets Incentive systems Motivation Rewards offered to increase productivity. Earning a penny, star, smiley face, certificate,etc. PAT (preferred activity time) Jones Positive Classroom Discipline is created by using 3 different methods that are put together to form his 3 tier management system
Basic Tenets Back-up systems Negative Sanctions (suspension, ISS, Parent conference, loss of privileges) “a back-up system is a series of responses designed to meet force with force so that the uglier the student’s behavior becomes, the deeper he or she digs his or her hole with no escape.” –F.Jones Jones Positive Classroom Discipline is created by using 3 different methods that are put together to form his 3 tier management system
Teacher’s Responsibility Set positive classroom goals Utilize room space Demonstrate positive behavior Convey dignity Set specific and general classroom rules Provide effective instructions Promote cooperation
Student’s Responsibility Understand and follow classroom rules Refrain from disruption Use self-control Display positive attitude Understand classroom responsibilities Respond effectively to teacher
Key Vocabulary PAT Incentives Back up systems Body Language Positive Appropriate Responsibility Structure
Pros Helps create positive classroom environment. Motivates students to complete assignments. Relieves stress Instills responsibility in students Provides structure learning environment Creates classroom control
Cons Incentives
"For teaching to be enjoyable, you must be able to simply relax and teach. Classroom management must be built from the ground up so that most problems do not occur." – Dr. Fredric Jones
References e%20Model.htm