Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) ICS 581: Advanced Artificial Intelligence Lecture 13 Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) Dr. Emad A. A. El-Sebakhy Term 061 Meeting Time: 6:30 -7:45 Location: Building 22, Room 132
Fuzzy Sets A = Set of tall people Fuzzy set A Crisp set A Sets with fuzzy boundaries A = Set of tall people Membership function Heights (cm) 170 180 .5 .9 Fuzzy set A 1.0 Heights (cm) 170 1.0 Crisp set A A fuzzy set is a set with fuzzy boundary. Suppose that A is the set of tall people. In a conventional set, or crisp set, an element is either belong to not belong to a set; there nothing in between. Therefore to define a crisp set A, we need to find a number, say, 5??, such that for a person taller than this number, he or she is in the set of tall people. For a fuzzy version of set A, we allow the degree of belonging to vary between 0 and 1. Therefore for a person with height 5??, we can say that he or she is tall to the degree of 0.5. And for a 6-foot-high person, he or she is tall to the degree of .9. So everything is a matter of degree in fuzzy sets. If we plot the degree of belonging w.r.t. heights, the curve is called a membership function. Because of its smooth transition, a fuzzy set is a better representation of our mental model of all? Moreover, if a fuzzy set has a step-function-like membership function, it reduces to the common crisp set. 2018-12-31
Membership Functions (MFs) About MFs Subjective measures Not probability functions “tall” in Taiwan MFs “tall” in the US “tall” in NBA Here I like to emphasize some important properties of membership functions. First of all, it subjective measure; my membership function of all?is likely to be different from yours. Also it context sensitive. For example, I 5?1? and I considered pretty tall in Taiwan. But in the States, I only considered medium build, so may be only tall to the degree of .5. But if I an NBA player, Il be considered pretty short, cannot even do a slam dunk! So as you can see here, we have three different MFs for all?in different contexts. Although they are different, they do share some common characteristics --- for one thing, they are all monotonically increasing from 0 to 1. Because the membership function represents a subjective measure, it not probability function at all. .8 .5 .1 180 Heights (cm) 2018-12-31
Fuzzy If-Then Rules Mamdani style If pressure is high then volume is small high small Sugeno style If speed is medium then resistance = 5*speed By using fuzzy sets, we can formulate fuzzy if-then rules that are commonly used in our daily expressions. Basically, we have two types of fuzzy rules. For Mamdani style, for instance, if pressure is high then volume is small, where igh?and mall?are described by fuzzy sets. For Sugeno style, if the speed of a moving object is medium then the resistance due to atmosphere is 5 times the speed. The basic difference between these two rules is in their THEN part, where Madman style has a fuzzy but Surgeon style has a linear equation. Madman style fuzzy rules were first proposed in the literature; they are more appealing to human intuition. Surgeon style fuzzy rules are proposed later, but they are more suited for mathematical design and analysis. In this talk, wel concentrate on Surgeon style fuzzy if-then rules. medium resistance = 5*speed 2018-12-31
Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) If speed is low then resistance = 2 If speed is medium then resistance = 4*speed If speed is high then resistance = 8*speed MFs low medium high .8 .3 A single fuzzy rule is not very interesting. But if we have a collection of fuzzy rules, we can use them to describe a system behavior. This leads to a fuzzy inference system. For instance, we can describe the resistance experienced by a moving object by the following three rules: .... Then given a crisp speed value, how do we find the resistance value from these three rules? It quite simple and can be done in three steps. In the first step, we find the membership grades for ow? edium? and igh? For instance, if speed is 2, the membership grades for ow? edium?and igh?are .3, .8, and .1, respectively. These numbers also represent how the given input condition peed = 2?satisfies the IF part of the rules. Sometimes these numbers are called the firing strengths of the rules. In the second step, we find the output of each rule, given speed is 2. In the third step, we apply a weighted average method to find the overall resistance, where the weighting factors are equal to the firing strengths of the rules. The whole process to derive the output from a given input condition is called fuzzy reasoning. For a two-input FIS, the process of fuzzy reasoning is better represented by the following diagram. .1 2 Speed Rule 1: w1 = .3; r1 = 2 Rule 2: w2 = .8; r2 = 4*2 Rule 3: w3 = .1; r3 = 8*2 Resistance = S(wi*ri) / Swi = 7.12 2018-12-31
ANFIS: Mamdani’s model Layer 1: input layer Layer 2: input membership or fuzzification layer Neurons represent fuzzy sets used in the antecedents of fuzzy rules determine the membership degree of the input. Activation fn: the membership fn. Layer 3: fuzzy rule layer Each neuron corresponds to a single fuzzy rule. Conjunction of the rule antecedents: product Output: the firing strength of fuzzy rule R i , R i = Aj Bk The weights b/t layer 3 and layer 4 : the normalized degree (k.a. certainty factors) of confidence of the corresponding fuzzy rules. They’re adjusted during training. Layer 4: Output membership layer Disjunction of the outputs: C i = Rj Rj = ∑ Rj : sum the integrated firing strength of fuzzy rule neurons R j and R k. Activation fn: the output membership fn. Layer 5: defuzzification layer Each neuron represents a single output. E.g.) centroid method.
ANFIS: Mamdani’s model Learning A various learning algorithm may be applied: Back propagation Adjustment of weights and modification of input/output membership functions. Sum-Product composition and centroid defuzzification wass adopted, a corresponding ANFIS was constructed easily. Extra complexity with max-min composition – no better learning capability or approximation power. More complicated than Sugeno ANFIS or Tsukamoto ANFIS
ANFIS: Mamdani’s model
First-Order Sugeno FIS Rule base If X is A1 and Y is B1 then Z = p1*x + q1*y + r1 If X is A2 and Y is B2 then Z = p2*x + q2*y + r2 Fuzzy reasoning A1 B1 A2 B2 x=3 X Y y=2 w1 w2 z1 = p1*x+q1*y+r1 z = z2 = p2*x+q2*y+r2 w1+w2 w1*z1+w2*z2 P In this talk, we are going to use first-order Sugeno fuzzy inference system exclusively, where the output equation of each rule is a linear equation. For example, if we have two fuzzy rules ... We can express the process of fuzzy reasoning by this diagram. First we find the membership grades of the IF parts of the rules; the heights of the dashed line represent these values. Since the pre-conditions in the IF part are connected by AND, so we use multiplication to find the firing strength of each rule. For instance, firing strength w1 for rule 1 is the product of the heights of these two dashed lines. Similar for w2. Once we have w1 and w2, the overall output is again derived by weighted average. 2018-12-31
Adaptive Networks Architecture: Goal: Basic training method: x z y Feedforward networks with diff. node functions Squares: nodes with parameters Circles: nodes without parameters Goal: To achieve an I/O mapping specified by training data Basic training method: Backpropagation or steepest descent 2018-12-31
Derivative-Based Optimization Based on first derivatives: Steepest descent Conjugate gradient method Gauss-Newton method Levenberg-Marquardt method And many others Based on second derivatives: Newton method 2018-12-31
Fuzzy Inference system Fuzzy Modeling x1 xn . . . Unknown target system y Fuzzy Inference system y* Given desired i/o pairs (training data set) of the form (x1, ..., xn; y), construct a FIS to match the i/o pairs Given an input condition, it very easy to derive the overall output. However, our task is more than that. What we want to do is to construct an appropriate fuzzy inference system that can match a desired input/output data set of a unknown target system. This is called fuzzy modeling and it a branch of nonlinear system identification. In general, fuzzy modeling involves two step. The first step is structure identification, where we have to find suitable numbers of fuzzy rules and membership functions. In FLT, this is accomplished by subtractive clustering proposed by Steve Chiu in Rockwell Science Research Center. The second step is parameter identification, where we have to find the optimal parameters for membership functions as well as output linear equations. In the FLT, this is done by ANFIS, which was proposed by me back in 1991. Since ANFIS uses some neural network training techniques, it is also classified as one of the neuro-fuzzy modeling approaches. Two steps in fuzzy modeling structure identification --- input selection, MF numbers parameter identification --- optimal parameters 2018-12-31
Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Basic approach of ANFIS Adaptive networks Generalization Specialization Our approach of using ANFIS as a neuro-fuzzy modeling tool is like this. First we generalize neural networks?architectures to obtain adaptive networks, and then we do a specialization to derive fuzzy inference systems represented by adaptive networks, and that ANFIS. During the processes of generalization and specialization, the backpropagation techniques used for training neural networks can be carried over directly, so we can train ANFIS using the same techniques. (In fact backpropagation is too slow, so we have some other technique to speed up training in ANFIS.) Neural networks Fuzzy inference systems ANFIS 2018-12-31
ANFIS Fuzzy reasoning ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System) A1 B1 A2 B2 w1 w2 z1 = p1*x+q1*y+r1 z2 = p2*x+q2*y+r2 z = w1+w2 w1*z1+w2*z2 x y This slide explains the basic architecture of an ANFIS. In the upper part, we have to graphical representation of the process of fuzzy reasoning. For each operation of fuzzy reasoning, we can put it into a node in an adaptive network. For instance, given two input x and y, first we need to find the membership grades; this is represented by the four blocks in the first layer and each of them generates a membership grades. The firing strengths are computed by nodes in the second layer; ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System) A1 A2 B1 B2 P S / x y w1 w2 w1*z1 w2*z2 Swi*zi Swi z 2018-12-31
Four-Rule ANFIS Input space partitioning B1 A2 B2 x y ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System) A1 A2 B1 B2 S / x y w1 w4 w1*z1 w4*z4 Swi*zi Swi z P 2018-12-31
Neuro Fuzzy System a neuro fuzzy system is capable of identifying bad rules in prior/existing knowledge supplied by a domain expert. e.g.) 5-rule neuro-fuzzy system for XOR operation. Use back propagation to adjust the weights and to modify input-output membership fns. Continue training until the error (e.g. sum of least mean square) is less than e.g.) 0.001 Rule 2 is false and removed.
Neuro Fuzzy System a neuro fuzzy system which can automatically generate a complete set of fuzzy if-then rules, given input-output linguistic values. Extract fuzzy rules directly from numerical data. e.g.) 8 rule neuro fuzzy system for XOR operation: 22 2 = 8 rules. Set the initial weights b/t layer 3-4 to 0.5. After training, eliminate all rules whose certainty factors are less than some sufficiently small number, e.g. 0.1.
ANFIS Architecture: Sugeno’s ANFIS Assume that FIS has 2 inputs x, y and one output z. Sugeno’s ANFIS: Rule1: If x is A1 and y is B1, then f1 = p1x+q1y+r1. Rule2: If x is A2 and y is B2, then f2 = p2x+q2y+r2.
ANFIS Architecture: Sugeno’s ANFIS Layer 1: fuzzification layer Every node I in the layer 1 is an adaptive node with a node function O1,I = Ai(x) for i=1,2 or : membership grade of a fuzzy set A1,A2 O1,I = Bi-2(y) for i=3,4 Parameters in this layer: premise (or antecedent) parameters. Layer 2: rule layer a fixed node labeled whose output is the product of all the incoming signals: O2,I = wi = Ai(x) Bi(y) for i=1,2 : firing strength of a rule. Layer 3: normalization layer a fixed node labeled N. The i-th node calculates the ratio of the i-th rule’s firing strength to the sum of all rules’ firing strength: O3,I = wi = wi / (wi + wi ) for i=1,2 Outputs of this layer are called normalized firing strengths. Layer 4: defuzzification layer an adaptive node with a node fn O4,I = wi fi = wi (pi x + qi y + ri ) for i=1,2 where wi is a normalized firing strength from layer 3 and {pi , qi ri } is the parameter set of this node – Consequent Parameters. Layer 5: summation neuron a fixed node which computes the overall output as the summation of all incoming signals Overall output = O5, 1 = ∑ wi fi = ∑ wi fi / ∑ wi
ANFIS Architecture: Sugeno’s ANFIS How does an ANFIS learn? A learning algorithm of the least-squares estimator + the gradient descent method Forward Pass: adjustment of consequent parameters, pi, qi, ri. Rule consequent parameters are identified by the least-square estimator. Find a least-square estimate of k=[r1 p1 q1.. r2 p2 q2 .. rn pn qn] , k*, that minimizes the squared error e=|Od – O|2. E = e2 / 2 = (Od – O)2 / 2 The consequent parameters are adjusted while the antecedent parameters remain fixed. Backward Pass: adjustment of antecedent parameters The antecedent parameters are tuned while the consequent parameters are kept fixed. E.g.) Bell activation fn: [1 + ((x-a)/c)2b] -1. Consider a correction applied to parameter of a, a., a= a + a.. where
ANFIS Architecture: Sugeno’s ANFIS The structure of the network is not unique.
ANFIS Architecture: Tsukamoto ANFIS
ANFIS Architecture Improvement: 2 input first-order Sugeno fuzzy model with 9 rules How the 2-dimensional input space is partitioned into 9 overlapping fuzzy regions, each of which is governed by a fuzzy if-then rule. i.e. The premise part of a rule defines a fuzzy region, while the consequent part specifies the output within the region.
The End
Automatics and Code Design: FUZZY LOGIC Systems GUI Fuzzy Logic Systems Package facilitates the development of fuzzy-logic systems using: graphical user interface (GUI) tools command line functionality The package can be used for building Fuzzy Logic Expert Systems Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)
Graphical User Interface (GUI) There are five primary GUI tools for building, editing, and observing fuzzy inference systems in the Fuzzy Logic package: Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) Editor Membership Function Editor Rule Editor Rule Viewer Surface Viewer
Application: Employer Salary Raise Fuzzy Logic Model Employer Salary Raise Model Extension Principle: one to one many to one n-D Cartesian product to y
Fuzzy Logic Model for Employer Salary Raise COMMON SENSE RULES 1. If teaching quality is bad, raise is low. 2. If teaching quality is good, raise is average. 3. If teaching quality is excellent, raise is generous 4. If research level is bad, raise is low 5. If research level is excellent, raise is generous COMBINE RULES 1. If teaching is poor or research is poor, raise is low 2. If teaching is good, raise is average 3. If teaching or research is excellent, raise is excellent INPUT OUTPUT RULES OUTPUT TERMS INPUT TERMS (interpreted) (assigned)
Generic Fuzzy Logic Code for Teacher Salary Raise Model %Establish constants Teach_Ratio = 0.8 Lo_Raise =0.01;Avg_Raise=0.05;Hi_Raise=0.1; Raise_Range=Hi_Raise-Lo_Raise; Bad_Teach = 0;OK_Teach = 3; Good_Teach = 7; Great_Teach = 10; Teach_Range = Great_Teach-Bad_Teach; Bad_Res = 0; Great_Res = 10; Res_Range = Great_Res-Bad_res; %If teaching is poor or research is poor, raise is low if teaching < OK_Teach raise=((Avg_Raise - Lo_Rasie)/(OK_Teach - Bad_Teach) *teaching + Lo_Raise)*Teach_Ratio + (1 - Teach_ratio)(Raise_Range/Res_Range*research + Lo_Raise); %If teaching is good, raise is good elseif teaching < Good_Teach raise=Avg_raise*Teach_ratio + (1 - Teach_ratio)*(Raise_Range/res_range*research + Lo_Raise); %If teaching or research is excellent, raise is excellent else raise = ((Hi_Raise - Avg_Raise)/(Great_Teach - Good_teach) *(teach - Good_teach + Avg_Raise)*Teach_Ratio + (1 - Teach_Ratio) *(Raise_Range/Res_Range*research+Lo_Raise); Naïve model Base salary raise + Work performance Base + Development & research performance Base + 80% Development and 20% research
Fuzzy Logic Model for Employer Salary Raise Fuzzy Inference System Editor Rule Editor
Fuzzy Logic Model for Employer Salary Raise Membership function Editor
Fuzzy Logic Model for Employer Salary Raise Rule Viewer Surface Viewer
Fuzzy Logic Model for Employer Salary Raise INPUT OUTPUT TERMS RULES (interpreted) (assigned) (assigned to be: low, average, generous) TEACHING RESEARCH RAISE TEACHING QUALITY RESEARCH QUALITY (interpreted as good, poor,excellent) 1. If teaching is poor or research is poor, raise is low 2. If teaching is good, raise is average 3. If teaching or research is excellent, raise is excellent IF-THEN RULES if x is A the y is B if teaching = good => raise = average BINARY LOGIC FUZZY LOGIC p -->q 0.5 p --> 0.5 q
%===================================== % Initialization parameters for Fuzzy % Number of training epochs % epoch_n = 10; % Number of membership functions assigned to an input variable numMFs = 2; % Type of the membership function or'gbellmf'; 'gaussmf'; 'trapmf'; % 'trimf'; MFTypes = 'gaussmf'; %MFTypes = 'trimf'; %MFTypes = varargin{3}; %For selected partition: The default is 5,'gbellmf' %in_fis = genfis1([inputMatrix outputColumn],numMFs,mfType); %in_fis = genfis2(x,perm,0.5); %For a grid partition epoch_n = 20; %in_fis = genfis2(X0Tr, YNr0(:,k),0.5); in_fis = genfis1([OT_tr_XN,OT_tr_YN(:,k)],numMFs,MFTypes); out_fis = anfis([OT_tr_XN OT_tr_YN(:,k)],in_fis,epoch_n);
out_fis = anfis([OT_tr_XN OT_tr_YN(:,k)],in_fis,epoch_n); figure('name', ['Initial plots for the Membership functions for Y', ... num2str(k)],'NumberTitle','off'); for i=1:col_X [x,mf] = plotmf(in_fis,'input',i); subplot(col_X,1,i), plot(x,mf); xlabel('input 1'); end yHat = evalfis(OT_tr_XN ,out_fis)'; yHats = evalfis(OT_ts_XN ,out_fis)';
Initial membership functions of the input variables ANFIS for Classifying Salt data Initial membership functions of the input variables Final membership functions of the input variables
ANFIS for Classifying Salt data Final membership functions of the input variables
ANFIS for Classifying Salt data
ANFIS for Classifying Salt data CCR = 0.94 Conf_Mat_training = 41.00 6.00 2.00 77.00 CCR = 0.91 Conf_Mat_test = 24.00 5.00 0 24.00 Computational time: = 2.59375
ANFIS for Classifying Salt data
ANFIS for Classifying Salt data
References and WWW Resources “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing”, J.-S. R. Jang, C.-T. Sun and E. Mizutani, Prentice Hall, 1996 “Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Control”, J.-S. R. Jang and C.-T. Sun, the Proceedings of IEEE, March 1995. “ANFIS: Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems,”, J.-S. R. Jang, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, May 1993. Internet resources: 2018-12-31