Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Positions (as of July 2018) occupied Palestinian territory: DSC/HC Ukraine: RC/HC Libya: DSRSG/RC/HC Chad: Niger: Mali: Côte d'Ivoire: Nigeria: RC/HC and DHC Cameroon: Central African Republic: Democratic Republic of the Congo: DSRSG/RC/HC and DHC Lebanon: DSC/RC/HC Jordan: RC/HC Syrian Arab Republic: RC/HC Syria Crisis: RHC (Amman, Jordan) and DRHC (Gaziantep, Turkey) Iraq: DSRSG/RC/HC Afghanistan: DSRSG/RC/HC Pakistan: RC/HC Myanmar: Philippines: Haiti: DSRSG/RC/HC Colombia: RC/HC Yemen: RC/HC Somalia: DSRSG/RC/HC Ethiopia: Eritrea: South Sudan: Sudan: RC/HC and DHC (Darfur) DHC – Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator DRHC – Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator DSC – Deputy Special Coordinator DSRSG – Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General HC – Humanitarian Coordinator RC – Resident Coordinator RHC – Regional Humanitarian Coordinator Country with RC Country with RC/HC, HC a.i., separate HC, RHC or DRHC Country with DSRSG/RC/HC, DSC/RC/HC or SHC Sources: UNCS, OCHA Feedback: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.