Grade 4 with Helen Carmichael and Emma Cromack
Helen Carmichael (Mon., Thurs. and Fri.) Emma Cromack (Tue. ,Wed.) Teachers and Educational Assistants: Helen Carmichael (Mon., Thurs. and Fri.) Emma Cromack (Tue. ,Wed.) Library: Mary Farraby (Thurs.) Music: Margaret Inglis (Wed./Thur.) (EA) – Unknown at this time
General Information: PE- dress for success Library (Book exchange on Thursday) Music (Wednesdays and Thursdays) Spelling (Fridays and Mondays) Online schedule Lunches (Healthy and Environmental) Homework
Student Planner Student Planner P Communication Students are expected to use the student planner to record homework and important reminders. Please sign and return daily. Please feel free to write a note in the planner if communication is needed. Email is also another great way to communicate concerns; please cc both teachers.
Language Arts (Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing): Spelling Novel Studies and Literature Circles Story/Informational Writing Letter Writing
Math (Math Makes Sense text and reproducible handouts): Patterning Number Sense Measurement 2D 3D shapes Data Analysis Transformations
Science (Science Probe text and other supplemental supplies): Light and Sound Weather Habitats and Communities (Possible transition to new curriculum in third term)
Social Studies: Government Mapping Explorers Aboriginal Cultures (Bighouse June 8, 9, 10)
Physical Education: Physical Education classes (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (games, skills, fair play and leadership) Outdoor fitness stations, Free play, and movement breaks (Mondays and Fridays)
Fine Arts Music Dance Visual Arts Drama
Health and Career Goals and Decision Making Career Development Healthy Living Healthy Relationships Safety and Injury Prevention Substance Misuse and Prevention
Assessment Use of Rubrics Quizzes and Tests Letter Grades
Any Questions? Thanks for coming today. We are looking forward to a great year!