3D Modelling with Tinkercad What you will learn… How to create custom 3D models How to make a personalized key chain Skills and tools to design anything you want!
Tinkercad @ tinkercad.com Tinkercad is a free web-based 3D modelling and printing application that can help anyone get started designing and printing 3D objects. Anything you create with Tinkercad is stored in your account and will be available whenever you log into your account. Go to www.tinkercad.com and click on the button to create a free account ADING Please note: As with any software application, updates and improvements are continually being applied. Some steps in this tutorial may be different from the most current version of Tinkercad.
TINKERCAD DASHBOARD Tinkercad designs are automatically saved to your account as you work. You can return to your designs and tinker with them anytime from any internet enabled computer. To start creating an object, click on the button in the My recent designs section
NAVIGATING THE MOUSE You can use the tools to the left of the workplane or the mouse to manipulate the workplane. Use the mouse to: Zoom in and out with the mouse scroll wheel Rotate the workplane by right clicking and dragging Change the view by clicking on a side of the View Cube Return to the default viewing perspective by clicking the home icon
ADD & MOVE A SHAPE Click and hold the left mouse button on a shape and drag it from the Shape Library over the workplane. Release the button to drop the shape Select a shape on the workplane by clicking it. Select multiple shapes by holding the Shift key and clicking each shape. Or click and dragg a box around the desired shapes. Move a shape by holding the left mouse button and dragging it. Or click a shape and use the arrow buttons on the keyboard.
ADJUST A SHAPE: DIMENSIONS 3 ways to change the dimensions of a shape: Drag a corner Type in new dimensions – click a corner then type in a measurement box Use the shape’s Profile Box. Use to Hide a shape
ADJUST A SHAPE: RAISE & ROTATE Rotate a shape by clicking and dragging the curved arrows. Each arrow rotates the shape in a different plane Raise and lower a shape by clicking and dragging the black cone above the shape
ADVANCED POSITIONING Workplane tool can change the angle of the workplane Ruler tool allows detailed measurement Unhide Shape Group / ungroup Shapes Align – lines up shapes with one another Flip – changes a shape into its mirror image 1 2 2 3 4
KEYCHAIN PROJECT! Let’s make your first project! You will learn to: Combine shapes to create a complex project Align objects Merge objects to create new shapes that are not in the shapes menu
SELECTING SHAPES Click on the Basic Shapes drop down menu Select Text And Numbers to see a selection of objects relating to text
SELECTING SHAPES Drag the letters for your name to the Workplane Don’t worry that the letters are not lined up. You will learn how to align them in a later step!
ADJUSTING SIZE Let’s modify the letters to make them stand out! Increase the size of the first letter by dragging one of the corner white squares outward.
ADJUSTING HEIGHT Adjust the height of each letter so they are slightly different from their neighbours by dragging the white square in the middle of the object.
KEYCHAIN PROJECT - ALMOST DONE! Your project should look similar to the image below. There is not right or wrong – you are learning the tools needed to modify your shapes.
ALIGNING SHAPES You are now going to align the text! Click and drag around all of your letters to select all of them at the same time Next, click the Align icon on the menu bar near the top right
ALIGNING SHAPES The Align button brings up a series of guides (black lines with circles at the ends) There are three guide lines for each dimension. Click the circle on the end of the guide line to align the objects along that guide line. To align your letters, click on the circle for the lowest guide line on the left of the object If your letters end up getting stacked on each other, click the undo button to start again
CONNECTING SHAPES All of the letters need to be touching in order for the keychain to print as a single unit. To attach the letters to each other, select the letters and move them in small increments with the keyboard arrow keys. This moves them 1 mm at a time. Move each letter so that they overlap with their neighbor at least 1 mm (= one grid line on the workplane).
MAKING A LOOP Now we need to add a loop for the key ring! Click and drag a cylinder from the Basic Shapes menu to the workplane. Using what you have learned, resize the cylinder until it is 10 mm by 10 mm. Drag another cylinder to the workplane and resize it to 5 mm by 5 mm.
MAKING A LOOP Now we need to subtract one object from another! Select the small cylinder and click the Hole button in the upper right corner. The cylinder will appear transparent.
MAKING A LOOP Next we need to align the hole cylinder in the solid cylinder! Select both cylinders and click the Align button. Click the middle circles on both the left and bottom guidelines. The two cylinders should now be perfectly aligned!
ADJUSTING THE LOOP To subtract the small cylinder from the big cylinder, select both of the cylinders and click the Group button from the upper right menu Adjust the height of the cylinder to the same height as your first letter
GROUPING To attach the key ring, drag the cylinder until it is overlapping with the first letter of the name. Select the entire object and click the Group button. If all objects have merged into one, your project should turn a uniform colour
PRINTING YOUR PROJECT! When you are happy with your project, click the Export button. Select the .STL file to download. The file should open in Cura slicing software and is ready to print on the Ultimaker 3 printer. Be sure to ask a staff member to help you with any of the steps in your project!
OTHER RESOURCES Learning Tinkercad online tutorial www.lynda.com/Tinkercad-tutorials/Learning-Tinkercad/641564-2.html?org=barrielibrary.ca (login with library card number and PIN) Thingiverse – www.thingiverse.com A gallery of 3d designs you can use Other local 3d printing venues: SimcoLab - www.facebook.com/simcolab/ Mac Jac - www.macjacartwork.com/ LAE Technologies - www.laetechnologies.com/
Book a Tech 1 to 1 session with a member of library staff WANT TO KNOW MORE? 3d printing info on the library website: www.barrielibrary.ca/programs-events/collaboratory Book a Tech 1 to 1 session with a member of library staff Ask us!: www.barrielibrary.ca/ask-a-librarian 705-728-1010