Welcome to Mr. Mira’s Classroom 2016 - 2017
Education Graduated from Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park Graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with my Bachelors of Science in Mathematics Finished my single subject credential in Mathematics from Cal Poly Pomona
Teaching Experience I did my student teaching at Kranz Middle School. I finished my student teaching at Diamond Ranch High School. I taught Algebra 1 at Diamond Ranch High School for 1 year. I taught Geometry at Mountain View High School for 1 year.
Teaching Experience This is my 4th year at Alhambra High School I taught Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Integrated Math 1 and 2, and Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus I’m no longer the MESA Advisor but I will continue to support the club.
Family I’m a first generation college student I have 4 sisters and 1 brother My parents are from El Salvador My siblings attended Devry Institute of Technology, USC, UCLA, Cal State LA, and Cal Poly Pomona. All my siblings graduated from college and 4 year universities.
Family These are my daughters Emma Sophia and Danielle Alessandra. Emma is now 20 months and Danielle is 4 months. Both my girls are a bundled of joy but still keep me up at night.
Random things about Me I have a twin sister I ran 2 marathons without any training and couldn’t walk for a week. I hiked the Grand Canyon in 8 hours. I have been skydiving I played soccer for 16 years I do not have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account
Hobbies I like swimming, running, bike riding, and paddle boarding. I like traveling- been to Spain, Salvador, Mexico, Florida, New York, Texas, and Hawaii. I like camping, fishing, dirt bike riding, riding seadoos and snowboarding. I love playing soccer but prefer to watch Basketball and Football.
Future Goals and Aspirations I will finish my Masters this summer. Teach at Alhambra High until they kick me out Plan to teach Mathematics at any University one day.