They have to cross 4 gates before getting to the other side of the station: (1) Entrance to the station: The left gate is for women, children, students, and men over 60 only. Other are not allowed to pass there during jam, as the red light will be turned on then. Not to forget –ofcourse- the welcome sign ! There is a room for the soldiers to monitor this process and give their orders through internal intercom for the whole station, or small ones hang at each gate.
(2) Entrance to the checking area, where you have 5 gates to wait in line for your turn. Supplied with cameras –every where- and internal loudspeakers ofcourse Four of them are for men While ALL women, children, students, and men over 60 have the fifth…
(3) Exit of the checking area through controlled pivoting doors –again-, but after … 1. Checking the handbags and sacks using a conveyor belt 2. Checking the people by letting them pass through an electrical gate 3. Checking the ID, where you have to show to the soldiers, as they sit in their protected rooms. They don’t have to get out of them as they have monitors and everything there.