Education Smart Objectives April 27, 2018 Renaissance Oklahoma City
Education 3-Year Goals Strengthen the Distinguished Lecturer Program and Services Develop and improve programs that support Young Professional (YP) and student members Increase awareness and opportunity for educational programs
Education SMART Objective 1 – notes DLs given and lecturers have already increased dramatically in last 4 years. (62738895) Geographically, we have been supporting R10/Asia with 40% of budget support. It is not underserved in those terms. Technically, we have very high representation in Radar, and it is in some ways over-represented in terms of lecturers and DLs given. Individual committee members assigned regionally and sub-regionally. LoMonte – R1/R7 (NY), Kaplan – R2/R3 (DC), Williams (R10/Oceana), Gustafsson – R8(Europe) , Kramer – R6/R9 12/31/2018
Smart Objective 1: Short-Term Activities Education Committee members are charged with some geographic (and technical) advocacy Individual committee members assigned regionally and sub-regionally. LoMonte – R1/R7 (NY), Kaplan – R2/R3 (DC), Williams (R10/Oceana), Gustafsson – R8(Europe) , Kramer – R6/R9 DLs should be given where we have concentrations of members. Utilize improved geographic and technical distribution. Short courses by DLs for chapters Coordination with Member Services is essential Chapter formation should be supported and encouraged – work with and support Wicks’ committee efforts Resource Center and short course initiative should be supported within this. 12/31/2018
Education SMART Objective 2 S – Coordinate with conferences and other meetings to increase interaction and involvement of activities with Young Professionals, Students, WIE M – Metrics by group on targeted activities and involvement at AESS conferences and additional major events A – Assigned to: Kramer and individually by conference to committee members, working with YP, WIE, Student Activities R – Relevant to (2) and supports (3) and (1) where DLs involved T – Time: Annual 12/31/2018
Smart Objective 2: Short-Term Activities Education Committee members are charged with some conference (and technical) advocacy Individual committee members assigned regionally and sub-regionally. DLs LoMonte – Radar, Kaplan – Fusion, Williams -- International Radar, Gustafsson – Fusion, Kramer – DASC and ICCST Conference-targeted YP and DLs major events for YPs Increased visibility for and promotion of Robert T. Hill Award Radar Summer School 2018 YP-conference activities involving Education and or DLs at AERO and Radar Rising Stars, YP in Space Conference-targeted WIE and major events for WIE Activities within major AESS conferences, including Radar and DASC (new) involving Education and or DLs WIE Summit, WIE-ILC Student Activities (Scholarships, Robert T. Hill, Summer School, Mentoring by DLs, Rising Stars, chapter activities for students) 12/31/2018
Education SMART Objective 3 S – Improve and expand Resource Center Education offerings M – Metrics are number of new, quality items and use of Resource Center A – Assigned to: Kramer and individually to committee members by conference and geo, Jason Williams on recording tech R – Relevant to (3) and supports (1) and (2) T – Time: Annual 12/31/2018
Smart Objective 3: Short-Term Activities CEU Made available across online tutorials – strong support from tutorial presenters to provide questions - and recently standardized prices Improve and update offerings We have conference assignments, but need better progress Target A/V funding for high quality tutorial event Chapter Recording initiative or other technical solution needed Provide Camtasia and encourage individual recording DL materials updated annually to improve promotion of AESS and access to Educational programs. Hard copies distributed to many at Radar/BoG 12/31/2018
Education SMART Objective 4 S – Coordinate with publications to promote and report on Education Programs through QEB, Magazine, web M – Metrics by related news in QEB and magazine, new and updated web pages, nominations and applications to DL and Robert T Hill. A – Assigned to: Kramer and individually to committee members, working with Judy?, Colone (QEB), Willett R – Relevant to (3) and supports (1) and (2) T – Time: Annual 12/31/2018
Smart Objective 4: Short-Term Activities Robert T. Hill Promotion of nominations and award, activities by Robert T Hill committee Web and Social Media Several new pages being developed targeted to activities (Short Course) and students, YPs Improved reporting on social media drew increased nominations and recognition. QEB Colone profile of Bo Li and consistent inclusion Include DL related information and news appropriate to that media in QEB Magazine Consistent inclusion of Calls for nominations, Reporting on major events and activities Society Development Award Nomination Activities 12/31/2018