To be located Находится - Находятся Урок № 4 To be located Находится - Находятся
Review: Translate the sentences My brother works in the bank. I study (учусь) in school. Our dog is at home. - Where are you, Anna? - I am in the square. My mom is a nurse in the hospital. I know where Frank and Lisa are. Do they know where the pharmacy is?
Делать сейчас: Перевести. Площадь Цирк Фестиваль Почта Класс Универмаг Экскурсия Зоопарк Бульвар Библиотека
Находится - находятся Singular Plural ....находится на улице Пушкина. Asking about Locations Где находится ...? Where … is located? Находится - находятся Singular Plural Где находится музей? Где находятся театр и ресторан? ....находится на улице Пушкина. ... находится вот здесь ...находится вон там ....находятся на улице Пушкина. ... находятся вот здесь ...находятся вон там
Находится - находятся Библиотека – площадь Толстого Библиотека – площадь Толстого Цирк - бульвар цветов Банк – улица Чехова Стадион - проспект Достоевского Больница - шоссе (highway) Школа - улица Чехова Университет и театр - проспект Пушкина
Делайте сейчас: Переведите My house is located in the center. The factory is located on street. The pharmacy is over there. The library is over here. The store is located on the boulevard. The restaurant and café (кафе) are located on Pushkin square. Our houses are located on Washington square (площадь Вашингтона).
Переведите - Translate Where the stadium is located? It’s over there. Where the movie theater is located? It’s over here. Where the school is located?. Here. Where the department store is located? There. Where the textbooks are located? They are located on the table. Where the photos are located? They are located in the photo album.
Города и страны in prepositional case. I declens. II declens. III declens. ИЯ ИЕ О, У, Е, И Америк Мексик Москв Варшав Ирак Кита Израил Бостон Шанха Твер Росс Англ Франц Марокко Баку Маями Чили е а е и ь ия ии е й е а ии ия ь е е а ия ии е а е й е Don’t change
Make up the sentences as in the model, and write them down. Париж находится во Франции. Мадрид – Испания. 2. Неаполь – Италия. 3. Тулон – Франция. 4. Вена – Австрия. 5. Женева – Швейцария. 6. Токио – Япония. 7. Лиссабон – Португалия. 8. Стамбул – Турция. 9. Мадрас – Индия. 10. Екатеринбург – Россия.
Translate. I l was born in Moscow. She was born in England. Родился, родилась, родились I l was born in Moscow. She was born in England. We were born in Boston. I was born in Morocco. They were born in California. Were you ( s) born in Ohio? You (pl.) were born in China. He was born in America. Англия
Напишите диалог. Write the dialogue. You: Excuse yourself, and ask her to tell you where the store is located. She: She says, she does not know. She does not live in Moscow. She lives in Kiev. She wants to know where you live. You: Answer that you live in New York. She: She wants to know if you are an American. You: Answer yes. As you leave a Red Square, you want to go shoping in the store “Moskovite”, but you do not know where it is. You approach a woman and start a conversation with her.