AAPM Audience Response System PowerPoint SlideTemplate Michael Yester, Ph.D Chairman, AAPM Continuing Professional Development Committee
Introduction The audience response system provides a mechanism for automatically creating a bar graph of the audience results. It requires that you use slides specially formatted for this purpose. Follow the directions on the next slide to add audience response slides to your talk. The slides have been formatted to work with TurningPoint 5.0
Directions Slide 5 in this tutorial should be used as a template for the audience response system. Open your presentation and this presentation. Display both of them using the slide sorter view. Display both presentations using the “Windows” “Cascade” option. Drag the question slide from this file to your presentation. Duplicate it as many times as needed.
Directions ABR prefers the five option multiple choice question format. Edit the text on the audience response slides, replacing the default text in the stem and options with your information. Do not modify the color bars, the percentages, the countdown counter or the slide timing. Make sure the correct answer is identified and discussed in your talk.
Enter question here... Enter answer text here... 10
Directions Add a slide after the audience response slide in which you identify the correct answer and include the reference on the answer slide. During the presentation discuss the correct answer as well as why the other distractors are incorrect. Turn in your slides to the speaker ready room at least 24 hours prior to your talk so the audience response system can be tested before your lecture.
Plan your PowerPoint Presentation to be presented on a PC with the following configuration Hardware Intel Core I7 2.4 Ghz or faster processor, 4GB or greater RAM, 250GB or larger 7200 rpm HD, integral 16 bit audio, graphics card with 512MB or greater VRAM Software Windows 7 Pro, PowerPoint 2010 Pro, Acrobat reader (latest version,) QuickTime (latest version,) Math Type 4 In PowerPoint versions prior to 2010 (PC) and 2011 (Mac,) video clips (other than certain animated gif files) are not embedded in Powerpoint presentations; you will need to bring the separate video files with you and submit them along with your presentation. There are many issues that can arise when Powerpoint files created on a Mac are run on a PC. If your presentation was created on a Mac, please come to the speaker ready room as early as possible, to give the technicians as much time as possible to fix any problems that might occur. If your presentation was created using Office 2007, you'll need to save it with compatibility for Office 2003 (as a .ppt file, not a .pptx) The command sequence is Office button > Save As > PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation.
Questions If you have questions or require further information, contact: Michael Yester, PhD: E-mail: myester@uab.edu Phone: 205-934-3213