Process Description English 316
Instructional Informational Process
Instructional Process How to do something
Instructional Process What is the process? Instructional Process
Instructional Process Who performs the process? Instructional Process
Instructional Process Why is this process performed? Instructional Process
Instructional Process What are the principal steps in this process?
Instructional Process From what point of view is this process being considered? Instructional Process
Instructional Process Why is this process being described? Instructional Process
Equipment and Materials
Step-by-Step Description
Number each step One action per step Guidelines
Imperative voice Explain effects Give rationales Guidelines
Refer to visuals Use safety cautions Guidelines
Western Horseman
Informational Process How something works
Informational Process Introduction Define process Explain operation Preview steps Informational Process
Informational Process Step-by-Step Define goal Add background Present action details Informational Process
Informational Process Flowchart