Water Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorus Cycles of Matter 3-3 Water Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorus
Strand II Standard II Benchmark I Understand how the survival of the species depends on biodiversity and on complex interactions, including the cycling of matter and the flow of energy
Energy Flow Energy - Something that gives usable power, capacity to do work In the biosphere, energy moves from one place to another, is used/changes form. Energy is not recycled
Matter Something that takes up space, all things are composed of matter In the biosphere/in ecosystems, matter IS recycled (Different from energy)
Water Cycle
Water Cycle Precipitation Condensation Evaporation Transpiration Storage Runoff Seepage/percolation Root uptake
Water Cycle Forms of water – solid, liquid, gas Chemical change of water?
Carbon Cycle Processes Biological processes Photosynthesis Respiration Decomposition Geochemical Processes Erosion Volcanic activity
Carbon Cycle Processes Biogeochemical processes Creation of fossil fuels
Carbon Cycle Processes Human activities
Carbon Cycle Carbon cycle includes both physical change and chemical change (burning – combustion is a chemical reaction)
Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen Gas – 78% of atmosphere All organisms need/have nitrogen Nitrogen as organism waste product Nitrogen in many different chemical forms Both physical and chemical changes
Phosphorus Cycle Needed by all organisms, an important component of DNA Relatively rare in the biosphere Both chemical and physical changes Not in the atmosphere