Kamloops Basketball Officials Association 2016 Education Sessions October 11 to November 29 Presented by: Kraig Montalbetti Paul Foster Joel Gobeil
SCHEDULE DATE TOPIC October 11, 2016 Rookie Orientation: Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00 October 18, 2016 General Orientation: Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00 October 25, 2016 Rules 1-4: Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00 November 1, 2016 Rule 5, High School, Grade 8, and Elementary Modifications: Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00 November 8, 2016 Rules 6-8, Incident Reports: Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00
SCHEDULE DATE TOPIC November 15, 2016 2-Person Mechanics and Signals: Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00 November 22, 2016 Floor Session: Location TBA, 19:00-21:00 November 29, 2016 Exam Preparation: Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00 November 5, 2016 Regional Clinic: Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 08:30-12:15, Cost $35 Late January, 2017 Playoff Preparation and Video Review : Held in TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00
2014 FIBA RULE BOOK FIBA Official Basketball Rules 2014 Valid as of October 1, 2014 Rule Book has 8 Rules, 50 Articles, and Appendices A to E Rule One - The Game – Article 1 Rule Two - Court and Equipment – Articles 2 to 3 Rule Three - Teams – Articles 4 to 7 Rule Four - Playing Regulations – Articles 8 to 21 Rule Five - Violations – Articles 22 to 31 Rule Six - Fouls – Articles 32 to 39 Rule Seven - General Provisions – Articles 40 to 44 Rule Eight - Officials Duties and Powers – Articles 45 to 50 Appendix A is Officials’ Signals (1 to 62) Appendix B is The Scoresheet Appendices C, D, and E are not relevant to our purposes
Session 4 November 15, 2016 TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00 2-Person Mechanics and Signals Back to Main Page
2-Person Mechanics See: FIBA Official Basketball Rules 2010 Referees’ Manual Two-Person Officiating Back to Main Page
Opening Toss Referee will toss the ball After the toss, R remains stationary until players clear U must verify that the tap was legal, i.e. that the ball had reached it’s highest point before being tapped and that the movement of the 8 non-jumpers was according to the rules R to become Trail and U to become Lead
Basic Positions Lead and Trail can be on either side of the court However, we need to maintain a diagonal position in order to “Box In” the players T L L T Basic Positions
Areas of Responsibility Trail is responsible for on-ball coverage in areas 1, 2, 3, and 6 (outside the arc) Lead is responsible for on-ball coverage in area 4 Shared responsibility of on-ball coverage in dark shaded area (5 and 6 inside the arc) Always move when the ball moves (“Mirror the Ball”) Box-in all players Move to see between the players (“Open Look” vs “Straight-Lined”) Trail arc movement (“Walk the Arc”), penetrate Lead between arc and far lane line (step back from endline to get a wider angle) L 6 5 4 T 1 2 3
Primary Duties for the Trail Official Two and three-point field goal attempts including judging whether time had expired at the end of playing time for a period or extra period or a shot clock violation had occurred Goaltending and interference Rebounding situations, especially over-the-back situations Low post area, especially on weak side (away from the ball) Fouls away from Lead official Travelling violations (Trail official has the best angle of vision) Shot clock violations Also see manual page 23 T
Primary Duties for the Lead Official Pivot/post play Play under the basket Fouls away from Trail official Drive to the basket on Lead’s side of the playing court Also see manual page 29
Out of Bounds
Throw-Ins Mechanics for out-of-bounds and out-of-bounds help Throw-in spot nearest to point of infraction Never behind the backboard Diagonal from elbow to corner: endline Throw-in from back court handled by Trail Bounce passes only when there’s no pressure (difficult to predict)
Throw-In: Front Court Endline Warning whistle prior to handing the ball to the thrower-in Always hands the ball to the thrower-in Responsible for visible 5 second count Trail mirrors Lead’s start clock signal (“Chop In”)
Throw-In: Front Court Sideline Above free-throw line extended: Trail moves across to hand the ball to the thrower-in Lead moves to box-in position on base line No warning whistle Below free-throw line extended: Lead and Trail to not cross the floor Lead bounces the ball to the thrower-in Trail mirrors Lead’s start clock signal (“Chop In”) T L L T B
Calling a foul Stop clock: arm straight up, clenched fist Indicate number of free throws in controversial situations Jog to the scorer’s table (6 to 8 m) and stop Report while standing still Signal number of player Indicate nature of foul Number of free throws or direction of play If applicable, B-F-S-T (Basket, Foul, Sub, TO) Jog to next position Free official keeps all players within field of vision In principle, exchange positions: calling official becomes or remains T
No Switch After a Foul Lead calls a foul on the offensive player and jogs to a spot 6-8 meters from the table Lead reports with feet planted Lead becomes the new Trail Trail becomes the new Lead The calling official always stays or becomes Trail L T L L T
No Switch After a Foul (Cont.) Trail calls a foul on the defensive player and jogs to a spot 6-8 meters from the table Trail reports and remains as Trail Lead remains as Lead Note: the calling official is always Trail on the ensuing play T L
Both Officials Calling a Foul (“Double Whistle”) Whenever this occurs, the two officials should immediately establish eye contact with each other to verify the call Close cooperation between the two officials is absolutely essential The nearest official to the play or the official towards whom the play is moving takes the call in order to avoid conflicting decisions (unless the other official noticed some other foul or violation prior to the double whistle) In 3-person mechanics (New in 2016-2017), if there is a double whistle from Center and Trail, the official opposite the table will take the call to avoid a switch (provided the officials have the same call)
Free Throws Lead administers all free throws Lead lines up below the block for the 1st free throw(s), then off the court for the last free throw Trail goes to the side opposite the table (In 3-person mechanics, new in 2016-2017, the Trail may proceed down-court with the players, away from the ball) Trail shows the number of free throws, holds their signal, then drops their hand(s) when the ball is released On the last or only free throw, raise arm and be ready to start clock if rebound L Free Throws T L T Free Throws
Free Throws (Cont.) Trail is responsible for: Watching the shooter Watching the players along the opposite side of the restricted area Watching the players outside the 3 point line Displays the proper free throw signal until ball is released Non-visible 5 second count Watching the flight of the ball and the ball on the ring Confirming if the free throw was successful
Free Throws (Cont.) Lead is responsible for: Watching the players along the opposite side of the restricted area until the ball is released Following the release of the free throw, observing all the players entering the restricted area Looking for contact situations and possible violations of the free throw provisions. Starting the clock if the final free throw is successful.
Free Throws Without Line Up of Players Technical, Unsportsmanlike or Disqualifying fouls The official not calling the foul (Lead) administers the free throws from the baseline The calling official (Trail) goes to center line extended, opposite the table L T
Time-Outs The official closer to the scorer’s table administers the time-out by immediately blowing the whistle and giving the time-out signal The ball is placed on the floor at the next throw-in or free throw spot (move away from table side sideline) The officials then stand at either free-throw line extended or at the center line (New in 2016-2017) After the time-out, the calling official blows the whistle when the 50 second horn sounds and both officials shall proceed to the benches to break the huddle In 3-person mechanics (New in 2016-2017), the non inbounding officials proceed to the benches with 20 seconds remaining in the time-out, while the inbounding official proceeds to the ball
Review Comments See manual pages 76-78
Form T, show index finger Officials' Signals Charged Time-Out Form T, show index finger
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Held Ball/Jump Ball Situation Thumbs up, then point in direction of play using the alternating possession arrow
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Technical Foul Form T, showing palms + New “Fake a Foul” Mechanic for Flopping
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Foul on the Act of Shooting One arm with clenched fist, followed by indication of the numbers of free throws
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Foul not on the Act of Shooting One arm with clenched fist, followed by pointing to the floor
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Player Numbers / No. 00 and 0 Both hands show 0 Right hand shows 0
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Player Numbers / No. 1-5 Right hand shows number 1 to 5
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Player Numbers / No. 6 - 10 Right hand shows number 5, left hand shows number 1 to 5
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Player Numbers / No. 11 - 15 Right hand shows clenched fist, left hand shows number 1 to 5
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Player Numbers / No. 16 First reverse hand shows number 1 for the decade digit, then open hands show number 6 for the units digit
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Player Numbers / No. 24 First reverse hand shows number 2 for the decade digit, then open hand shows number 4 for the units digit
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Player Numbers / No. 40 First reverse hand shows number 4 for the decade digit, then open hand shows number 0 for the units digit
Officials' Signals (Cont.) Player Numbers / No. 78 First reverse hands show number 7 for the decade digit, then open hands show number 8 for the units digit
November 22, 2016 Floor Session Location TBD, 19:00-21:00 November 29, 2016 Exam Preparation Session TRU Trades TT 205, 19:00-21:00 Back to Main Page