Welcome to the NHS Interest Meeting!
Summary Sponsor Introductions Executive Board Member Introductions What are the NHS pillars? Application Overview and Requirements Requirements to Maintain Membership Service Opportunities for Preliminary Members Communication and Contacts Final Thoughts and Questions
Our NHS Sponsors We are both excited to take on sponsoring NHS!!!! Mrs. Lauer (cristin_lauer@hcpss.org) 14 years teaching Biology Anatomy & Physiology Coached RHHS Cross Country and Track (2003-2012) before having her daughter, Natalie Ms. Kump (lisa_kump@hcpss.org) 24 years teaching with 17 @RHHS English 10 G/T English 10 Honors SAT Prep We are both excited to take on sponsoring NHS!!!!
Our NHS Executive Board Presidents: Nick Torre & Alvina Pan Vice President: Garrett Passamonti Warden of Scholarship: Niloy Gupta Warden of Service: Rhea Nair Warden of Character: Yomna Nassar Secretary: Jenny O’Brien Treasurer: Danny Kim Correspondent: Nina Yuchi Historian: Negheen Guiv Parliamentarian: Julia Lui Sergeant of Arms: Natalie Kelley
What are the NHS Pillars?
The Pillars These are the four main purposes that have guided NHS Chapters from the beginning: to create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership; and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.
Scholarship Show a commitment to learning. A student is willing to spend the necessary time to cultivate his/ her mind in the quest for knowledge. This pillar can only be achieved through diligence and effort. Scholarship means always doing the best work possible, regardless of impending reward.
Willingness to work without monetary compensation or recognition Willingness to work without monetary compensation or recognition. A willingness to serve those in need creates a better tomorrow. As a service club, the National Honor Society is highly concerned with giving its all to the school and community at large.
Leadership Sacrifice: the willingness to yield to one’s personal interests for those of others. Leadership exerts a wholesome influence on the school — a real leader strives to train and aid others to attain the same positive objectives.
Character Character is what distinguishes one individual from another. It is the product of constant striving to make the right choices day after day. Students with good character demonstrate respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship in all of their actions.
Application Overview and Requirements
Application Overview and Requirements It is CRUCIAL to read ALL parts of the application - if there are any questions about the application, please email us. Due no later than 3:00 PM, Friday, October 7, 2016 to Ms. Kump (room 237) or Ms. Lauer (room 150) Essays/Personal Statement should be typed Two teacher recommendations
Application Overview and Requirements Selection for Membership A cumulative weighted GPA of a minimum of 3.40 is required at the end of the sophomore year Must complete 5 service hours and submit the NHS Service Hours form, along with your completed application and the remaining 10 hours are due by the end of the first semester Applications submitted after Friday, October 7 at 3pm will be considered late
Application Overview and Requirements Make sure to do the following! Sign the Student Acknowledgement section and the Parent Acknowledgement section Attach a resume or complete the Relevant Experiences section and the Recognition and Awards section Type a personal statement If you would like to include any additional information, you may add a narrative statement. This is not required. Sign the Electronic Distribution Waiver (for release of photos and names)
Application Overview and Requirements What do I need to turn in by October 7? Completed application packet 2 Teacher Recommendation Forms (One must be from a teacher from 2015-2016 year and one must be from either your freshman year teacher or a teacher from 2015-2016 year) Service Hours Form with 5 service hours completed
Requirements to Maintain Membership
Requirements to Maintain Membership Service: Must complete 15 hours of Service per semester 5 hours in the Beautification Category 5 Hours in the River Hill Community Category 5 hours of General Service (can be from either aforementioned categories or from another source, as long as they are acceptable) Meetings: Members must attend every meeting Meetings start at 6:30pm, be in the lobby by 6:15pm GPA/Scholarship: Minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.40 (On quarterly report card) No D’s or E’s Maintain academic integrity at all times
Service Opportunities
A detailed list of service opportunities and calendar will be updated continuously throughout the year and can be found on the NHS Canvas page.
Green Initiative: Rain Garden Cleanup Friday, Sept. 16th from 2:30-4:30pm in Room 248 (Ms. Wester) 10-15 volunteers needed 2 hours towards beautification hours Long pants, long-sleeved shirts, boots required Encouraged to bring your own gardening equipment but tools are provided There will be food! :)
River Hill Community Health Fair Saturday, Sept. 17th from 11am-2pm at the Village Center Preparation: Friday, Sept. 16 from 3- 5pm, Saturday from 8-11am Set-up, face painting, scavenger hunt management, game supervision
Communication and Contacts
Communication and Contacts Major Method of Communication: Our Canvas page RHHS Student Community>Pages>National Honor Society Detailed information and frequently updated - service opportunities, calendar of meeting dates, application, service hour form, etc. General Website (general information for public): http://riverhillnhs.weebly.com/ Facebook: NHS - River Hill HS (this will be replaced fully with Canvas)
Communication and Contacts Mrs. Lauer: cristin_lauer@hcpss.org Ms. Kump: lisa_kump@hcpss.org NHS: nhsrhhs@gmail.com All the executive members’ email addresses can be found on our Canvas page and our general website
Final Thoughts and Questions
Thank You for Attending!