Stakeholder Expert Group on the Review of EU Air Policy 6-7 June 2011 Overview of the Present EU Air Pollution Policy Framework
Focus Analytical framework Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) Business as Usual 2020 Objectives Sectoral Actions Benefits costs Distance to Target (Gap Closure) [State of the Environment] [Implementation status] Q&A
Air quality – complex but mastered
Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) Objectives Review CAFÉ (COM (2001) 245) Establish a Thematic Strategy for Air Pollution (~ 2002 6EAP*) Assess progress against 2002 6EAP objectives “to attain levels of air quality that do not give rise to significant negative impacts on, and risks to human health and the environment” Pursue options for achieving strategic objectives Environment: ~ no exceedance of critical loads and levels. Health ~ reduce levels of exposure (no safe levels known). . 4
Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) Findings related to the 2020 baseline Significant progress since 1990 in reducing NOx, SO2, VOC, NH3 Environment problems will persist in 2020 2/3 of the Scandinavian water still at risk from acid deposition Some 55% of all EU ecosystems continue suffering from eutrophication Forest affected by excessive levels of ozone reduced by (only) 14% Health impacts will persist in 2020 Loss in life expectancy (PM2.5) reduced to around 5.5 months (from 8) Still around 21,000 cases of hastened mortality due to ground level ozone Monetized impacts equivalent to €189 - 609 billion per annum Taking no further action is not an option. Maximum Technically Feasible Reduction Scenario cannot deliver 6EAP objectives. 5
Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) New (Interim) Objectives Reduce pollutant concentrations by 75% for PM2,5 60% for GLO Reduce pollutant emissions compared to 1990 59% for primary PM2,5 82% for SO2 60% for NOx 51% for VOC 27% for NH3 To reduce exposure to PM and GLO (health) To better protect ecosystems against acid rain, excess nutrient nitrogen, and GLO 6
Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) Sectoral Actions General recommendations Modernize current legislation Better focus on the most serious pollutants Do more to integrate environment into other policies and programmes Review existing ambient air quality legislation (Streamlining, PM2.5) Consolidate AAQFD and AAQDD: 2008/50/EC & 2004/107/EC Consolidate implementing decisions (2011) Move to electronic data reporting based in SEIS Review of national emissions ceilings (2020, PM, streamlining) Review Directive 2001/80/EC (2007) Review Gothenburg Protocol (2011) -/-- 7
25 days averaged over 3 years EU Air Quality Standards & NECs Pollutant Concentration Attainment deadline Permitted exceedences each year Carbon monoxide 10 mg/m3 1.1.2005 Sulphur dioxide 350 µg/m3 24 125 µg/m3 3 Nitrogen dioxide 200 µg/m3 1.1.2010 18 40 µg/m3 PM10 50 µg/m3 35 Fine particles (PM2.5) 25 µg/m3*** 1.1.2015 Lead (Pb) 0.5 µg/m3 Benzene 5 µg/m3 Ozone 120 µg/m3 1.1.2010 (TV) 25 days averaged over 3 years Arsenic (As) 6 ng/m³ 31.12.2012 (TV) Cadmium (Cd) 5 ng/m³ Nickel (Ni) 20 ng/m³ PAHs 1 ng/m³ (Benzo(a)pyrene)
Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) Sectoral Actions Energy & Industry Implement the renewable energy targets (12/21/6) Implement the 2005 Energy Efficiency Green Paper Strengthen regulation on VOC emissions from fueling Consider expanding scope of IPPC to sources < 50 MWth Implement the 2009 Climate & Energy Package (20/20/20) Implement the Europe 2020 strategic objectives and roadmaps … 9
Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) Sectoral Actions Transport Implement & update 2001 Transport White Paper (cleaner transport modes, internalizing external costs, green infrastructure pricing,…) Adopt & Implement new standards (Euro 5, Euro 6, MC, NRMM,…) Adopt & implement new standards for maritime shipping (IMO,…) Implement the Europe 2020 strategic objectives and roadmaps … Agriculture [Implement and update the Common Agricultural Policy] National and Local Measures Air Quality action plans (national & local, long-medium-short term) National emission reduction plans 10
Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) Costs & Benefits Implementation Benefits: At least €42 billion per annum (health) avoiding damage to ecosystem, reduced damage to crops, buildings, heritage, … Implementation Costs: ca. €7.1 billion per annum (2005 estimate) Ca €1.3 billion per annum (2010 estimate) Eco-Innovation a Green growth Ca € 6.7 billion air quality related eco-industry (2004) Ca. € 7.2 billion air quality related eco-industry (2007)
Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) Towards 6EAP via Interim Objectives Percent improvement (gap-closure) in 2020 compared to situation in 2000.
… Q&A Thank You… Further information… … Q&A
Working closely together with the UNECE CLRTAP Fundamental principle - “shall endeavour to limit and, as far as possible, gradually reduce and prevent air pollution including long-range transboundary air pollution” 1 Convention and 8 Protocols all linked to EU legislation 14
Working closely together with the UNECE CLRTAP Programme Coordinating Centre Implementation Committee ICP Forests Task Force Working Group on Effects Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections Task Force on Measurement and Modelling Chemical Coordinating Centre Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling EMEP Steering Body Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen Task Force on POPs Network of Experts on Benefits and Economic Instruments Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues Working Group on Strategies and Review Executive Body ICP Integrated Monitoring Task Force Task Force Health ICP Modelling and Mapping Task Force ICP Materials Task Force ICP Vegetation Task Force ICP Waters Task Force Programme Centre Coordination Center for Effects Main Research Centre Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East Task Force on Heavy Metals Expert Group on Black Carbon Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution Centre for Emission inventories and projections
Examples of interaction EU and CLRTAP policy Strong involvement of the EU and its Member States in all aspects of the CLRTAP Share the same objectives to protect human health and the environment (effect-based approach) Same management approches addressing transboundary pollution through cost-effective measures per source categories and national ceilings Common knowledge base for Effects (critical loads and levels and role of WHO on health advice) Emission inventories and projections Environmental air pollution monitoring Integrated assessment modelling for policy Common objectives in reaching out to other regions (long term strategy) …