Taking Notes in United States History Coach Carter’s Class
The text as a tool of learning The textbook is not the course It is an aid to help you learn, use it! There will be information from other areas other than the textbook
Guide to Reading Read this before you begin It gives you the information you are expected to learn through the section For those that learn better by graphs and web diagrams it also gives you an option for those as well Keep in mind the points as you read the section from the text
Read the section FIRST! You will write too much if you don’t read through the section before taking notes Read the section then go back and start looking for the 2-4 major facts
When you finish the section Take a look at the Section Assessment Read through the questions and see if you can answer these questions using your notes If you come across something that you don’t have in your notes go back, find it and write it in
Remember why you are here This is your education, use the time you have to learn wisely! Learn to start storing in LTM and quit stuffing your STM
If at first you don’t succeed This is a new skill- it takes time and practice It is a skill you will use the rest of your academic career Keep working at it, it will come
Be prepared “Proper prior planning prevents pitifully poor performance.” “You do not really decide your future… you decide your habits- then your habits decide your future.” “If you fail to prepare than you have prepared to fail.”
Einstein was pretty smart… “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Cheating “Never Justify Failure.” Your work- not someone else's Typing and writing and copying- oh my! The consequences of your actions It is your grade
Have a GREAT Year! It is going to be a great year and you can make it as good as you want it to be “The battle belongs to the persistent. Refuse to let friends or circumstances defeat you.” Understand what high school and eventually college are meant to achieve “Sometimes you have to do something you dislike to create something you desire.”