SOCIAL ENTERPRISE: THE RESEARCH CHALLENGE (A View from the Movement) George Leahy Director of Research & Policy
PURPOSE A response to Ken Coalition’s view of the priorities For the TSRC and CBC Coalition’s view of the priorities How this has to move forward Language and Identity issueS
HYBRIDS & PARADOXES Multi-dimensional Research opportunity
PROSAIC PRIORITIES Sources of entrepreneurialism Understanding the lifecycle beyond start-up Developing consistent evidence of impact
ROUTES TO/ROOTS OF VCS Reluctance Embracing (from business-like to business) Business Motivations Who Changes? Why? Entrepreneurial Collective Women BAME
COMPETITIVENESS Competitive Advantage Added value (social return) (often) challenging workforce Competitive Disadvantage Where are the trade-offs? When can growth work?
Effective knowledge transfer COMPARATIVE RESEARCH Effective knowledge transfer Big Business Small/Family Businesses VCS To and From Social Enterprise
THE IMPORTANCE OF IDENTITY We know it when we see it We are a Movement We are inclusive We are social enterprise…. Definitional drift Measurement But there are issues…
DEFINITIONAL DRIFT Something must be done A social enterprise is a business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business Organisations in the (third) sector share common characteristics: non-governmental value-driven principally reinvest any financial surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives. Something must be done
THE COALITION WILL ACT… On language, values & identity In a consensus building process Leadership for the Movement
More meaningful descriptions and qualities WHAT WE WANT TO ACHIEVE A common language for social enterprise... articulating our common values and identity To the Public As an Indicator Public Messaging Top level definition More meaningful descriptions and qualities Measurable Indicator measurement Stable overtime But not exclusive
HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE IT Consensus building Listening & Dialogue Methods Collaboration Interactive Listening & Dialogue Practitioners Academics Government Methods Web-based Think Pieces Network development Media Timeframe 18 months Manifesto General Election
HOW TO START If you want to be part of this E-mail: identity@social