Hosea (Salvation) Who did Hosea prophesy to? Prophesied to Northern Kingdom Contemporary of Amos who prophesied to Israel Also Isaiah and Micah who prophesied to Judah
When did Hosea Prophesy? Time of Hosea’s ministry (c.755 –710 BC) During reigns in Judah (1:1) Uzziah (767 –739 BC) Jotham (739 – 731BC) Ahaz (731 – 715 BC) Hezekiah (715 – 686 BC) Northern Kingdom (1:1) Jeroboam II (782 – 753 BC) Also during Zechariah (753 – 752 BC) Hoshea (732 – 722 BC)
Deportation of Northern Israel by the Assyrians
What was Hosea’s message? Message of Hosea Hosea prophesying concerning Israel’s unfaithfulness Time of prosperity under Jeroboam II. Low morality Forsaken the Lord for idols. Four of Israel’s last six Kings were murdered and one was taken into captivity. Part One Hosea told to marry an unfaithful wife – Gomer (ch.1-3) Part Two Israel’s unfaithfulness (ch.4) Judgment on Israel (ch.5-10) Restoration (ch.11-14)