Alliteration, and Assonance
Alliteration Repetition of the same consonant sounds, usually at the beginning of the words Example: - Should the glee-glaze- - In Death’s–stiff-stare.
Alliteration Find the alliteration in “Sweetness, Always” “Verses of pastry which melt into milk and sugar in the mouth.”
Alliteration Yay, you found the alliteration! …Hopefully “Verses of pastry which melt into milk and sugar in the mouth.”
Assonance The repetition of similar vowel sounds within syllables Example: Beware of ex/cessive assonance. Any assonance that draws attention to itself is ex/cessive.
Assonance Find the Assonance in this quote from “The Flea” “Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare, Where we almost, nay more than married are.”
Assonance Yay, you found it! …. Hopefully. “Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare, Where we almost, nay more than married are.” No matter where the similar sounds are found, as long as they are a repetition of the same vowel sound, they count!
Why are these important? Alliteration, Assonance, and Consonance are all useful in literature because they create a general flow. They all add a sense of lyricism to a poem, or a song. Also, used in tongue twisters. Example: Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.