CIS work programme 2010-2012 Ad-hoc activity on Economics
CIS future activity on Economics Why is future activity needed? Water Directors requested a focus on economic issues in future CIS work. Need to follow-up on recent assessments of implementation of the economic elements of the WFD. WATECO guidance was published in 2003, there is a need to assess whether it needs updating and/or revising given the experience gained via Art.5 economic analysis and 1st RBMPs. Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.
Future activities on WFD Economics Agreed activities: At March 2009 SCG meeting it was agreed that a workshop on WFD economic issues would be organised in 2010. Written comments on the workshop objectives and timing were requested. Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.
Future activities on WFD Economics Proposed CIS activities: Economic issues to be initially categorised as an ‘ad hoc’ activity Discussion of the appropriate CIS activity on economics to be discussed at the 2010 workshop This may lead to the proposal to establish a more permanent group for this topic in the future.
Future activities on WFD Economics Possible activities: Ex-post evaluation of WATECO guidance Prepare for Art.5 economic analysis in 2013 Further discussions on technical WFD implementation issues and economics (e.g. identifying and addressing gaps in existing guidance, enhancing integration between economics and other areas). Discuss research projects/pilot projects and their relevance at EU level Information sharing on economic methodologies developed and applied by MS Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.