Ten steps to results-based monitoring and evaluation systems Live Webcast Knowledge Sharing Event 6th October 2009 DevInfo 1
This series of webcasts are based on the book published by UNICEF in partnership with key international institutions Authors: 21 global evaluation leaders Partnership: UNICEF, WB, UNECE, IDEAS, IOCE, DevInfo and MICS Available for free download at: http://www.unicef.org/ceecis/resources_10597.html
The recording of the previous webcast events are available at http://www.unicef.org/ceecis/resources_11137.html First event on Country-led M&E systems with: the editor of the book, Marco Segone, Senior Evaluation Systems Specialists, UNICEF HQ Oumul Ba Tall, President, IOCE; Denis Jobin, Vice President, IDEAS Second event on Strengthening country-led M&E systems. Good practices in using Devinfo, with: Nicolas Pron, Global DevInfo Administrator Kris Oswalt, President, CSF Third event on Real Word Evaluation with: Jim Rugh, former Chief, Design, M&E, CARE International Michael Bamberger, former Senior Evaluator, World Bank Fourth event on Promoting country-led development evaluations with: Finbar O’Brien, Director, Evaluation Office, UNICEF Headquarters Hans Lundgren, Manager, OECD/DAC Network on Development evaluation
Ten steps to results-based monitoring and evaluation systems Introduction and kick-off questions Marco Segone, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Systemic Management, UNICEF Evaluation Office, New York, and former Vice President, IOCE E-mail: msegone@unicef.org 4
but no technical rigour The “quality” challenge: How to match technical rigour and policy relevance? Technical rigour but no policy relevance Policy relevance but no technical rigour Better evidence, technically rigorous and policy relevant. 5
Country-led M&E systems: matching technical rigour with policy relevance Countries (and not donors) lead and own the evaluation process by determining: what policy or programme will be evaluated (including donors coordination and alignment) what evaluation questions will be asked what methods will be used what analytical approach will be undertaken how findings will be communicated how findings will be used 6
Key questions What are the key features of a Results-based M&E system and how can it contribute to developing country-led M&E systems? What’s the difference between implementation monitoring and Results-based Monitoring? What are the key elements to keep into consideration when designing a good quality evaluation? 7