Factorising a Quadratic


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Presentation transcript:

Factorising a Quadratic a, b, c, method If a quadratic function factorises, we can ALWAYS use the same steps to factorise it Step 1 : identify a , b, c? - Standard form www.mathsrevision.com a = +1 b = +5 c = +6 31-Dec-18 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

Factorising a Quadratic b = +5 c = +6 Factorising a Quadratic a, b, c, method If a quadratic function factorises, we can ALWAYS use the same steps to factorise it Step 2 : Find 2 numbers that multiply ac = 6 www.mathsrevision.com add to give b = 5 +3 and +2 Step 3 : Rewrite the middle term using the 2 numbers 31-Dec-18 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

Factorising a Quadratic Check ! ALWAYS left with the same brackets a = +1 b = +5 c = +6 Factorising a Quadratic a, b, c, method Step 4 : Factorise 1st and 2nd terms Step 5 : Factorise 3rd and 4th terms www.mathsrevision.com Step 6 : Take out common factor in brackets 31-Dec-18 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

Factorising a Quadratic a, b, c, method Check ! ALWAYS left with the same brackets Factorising a Quadratic The 6 steps of the a,b,c method of factorising 1. Identify a, b, c 2. Find two numbers such that they multiply to give ac and add to give b 3. Rewrite middle term in terms of the two numbers in step 2. www.mathsrevision.com 4. Factorise 1st and 2nd terms 5. Factorise 3rd and 4th terms 6. Take out common factor ( the brackets) 31-Dec-18 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

Factorising a Quadratic a, b, c, method Step 1 : identify a , b, c? www.mathsrevision.com a = +2 b = +9 c = +4 31-Dec-18 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

Factorising a Quadratic b = +9 c = +4 Factorising a Quadratic a, b, c, method If a quadratic function factorises, we can ALWAYS use the same steps to factorise it Step 2 : Find 2 numbers that multiply ac = 8 www.mathsrevision.com add to give b = 9 +8 and +1 Step 3 : Rewrite the middle term using the 2 numbers 31-Dec-18 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

Factorising a Quadratic Check ! ALWAYS left with the same brackets a = +2 b = +9 c = +4 Factorising a Quadratic a, b, c, method Step 4 : Factorise 1st and 2nd terms Step 5 : Factorise 3rd and 4th terms www.mathsrevision.com Step 6 : Take out common factor in brackets 31-Dec-18 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.