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Presentation transcript:

ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS Policy and Regulation Forum for the Pacific Honiara, Solomon Islands, 27-30 April 2010 Assessment and Review of the National ICT Policies of the Pacific Island Countries (2) Eric Lie MACMILLAN KECK ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS

Country assessment Status of national ICT policies in the region Overview ICT legal and regulatory framework Status of national ICT policy Substance and structure Process (Development, Adoption, Implementation, Review) Observations Strengths and limitations Recommendations for consideration

Assessment summary Strengths Recognition of importance of a national ICT policy Substance and structure Substantive issues in common Most structural elements in place

Assessment summary Strengths Key issues addressed in the goals and objectives of the national ICT policies of the region Country Access and infra-structure HRD & public awareness Legal and regulatory framework Governance and supply of public services Industry & commercial growth Traditions, cultures and languages Cook Islands  Fiji RMI (draft) FSM PNG Samoa Tonga

Assessment summary Strengths National ICT policy structure elements in the PICs Country Policy Statement Strategic Plan Background Vision Goals and Objectives Strategies & activities Timetable Institutional responsibilities Resources available Monitoring & reporting Cook Islands  Fiji RMI (draft) FSM (draft) PNG1 Samoa Tonga

Assessment summary Strengths Process Institutions responsible identified Importance of resource mobilisation recognised Assessments and consultations undertaken

Assessment summary Strengths Overview of National ICT Policy adoption in the region Country National ICT policy adopted No national ICT policy adopted Adopted Evaluation (Review) Draft prepared Consultation performed Assessment performed Cook Islands  Fiji Kiribati RMI FSM Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is. Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Total 5 3 7 6

Assessment summary Limitations and Risks Substance and structure Lack of clear links between national ICT policy and overall development policies Challenge of emerging issues Regional collaboration dimension absent Absence of a strategic plan Risks to policy implementation

Assessment summary Limitations and Risks Process Limitations of external trigger for policy development Lack of stakeholder and high-level political support (or ICT champion) Risk of delays in policy development and adoption Shortage of resources (human and financial) Lack of human resources skilled in policy-making Predominance of one-off, narrowly-focused assistance Lack of funds for policy implementation Absence of resource planning Risks to policy development and implementation

Assessment summary Limitations and Risks Process (con’t) Absence of timeframe for adoption of national ICT policy Absence of communications strategy to increase public awareness of the importance of a national ICT policy Limited use of reporting and feedback mechanisms during implementation Difficult to measure progress and policy success

Assessment summary Recommendations Country level Examine existing national vision statements and overall national development policies and establish links with them in the national ICT policy Develop and adopt a national ICT strategic plan in tandem with the national ICT policy   Establish a timeframe for the development and adoption (or review) of a national ICT policy

Assessment summary Recommendations Country level (con’t) Ensure institutional competence Ensure that the responsible institution has the necessary political support to carry out its task Ensure that the responsible institution has adequate resources for its task and the appropriate mandate to carry it out   Ensure policy-makers have the requisite policy-making skills and experience to analyse and transform inputs into an effective and successful national ICT policy

Assessment summary Recommendations Country level (con’t) Embark on a resource planning exercise that identifies the resources necessary (i.e. in terms of funding and human resources) as well the potential sources of such resources and the implications associated with their use Identify avenues for obtaining the necessary funding and training (e.g., policy-making, legal, technical, etc.)   Consider involving potential partners and donors in the national ICT policy development process

Assessment summary Recommendations Country level (con’t) Initiate stakeholder consultations at an early stage in the development process Build public awareness to promote government accountability and increase the level of political commitment   Develop and use independent procedures for project monitoring, reporting and feedback in order to arrive at objective results Review and revise national ICT policies periodically in order to ensure they remain relevant

Assessment summary Recommendations Regional level Continue regional support in the area of ICT policy and regulatory development Common declarations, technical assistance, workshops, … Promote coordination and information sharing in the development of ICT policies and strategic plans Facilitate the development of collaborative policy responses to existing and new ICT related challenges

Assessment summary Recommendations Regional level (con’t) Develop resources for sustained capacity building in the area of ICT policy-making e.g. providing the ICT resource centre with resources to address ICT policy related needs, allowing it to act as a forum for information exchange and the coordination of twinning programmes or secondments … Facilitate coordination between donors/partners and recipient countries to allow for effective resource planning Promote a “holistic” approach to ICT policy development assistance