Senior English 11/24/14 Mary Shelley clearly comes down on the side of nurture in the “Nature vs. Nurture” debate. Attack or defend. What do you call.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 11/24/14 Mary Shelley clearly comes down on the side of nurture in the “Nature vs. Nurture” debate. Attack or defend. What do you call an ant that skips school? Quisquillous- made of rubbish. Goals – Discuss closing paragraphs. Work time on essays. Homework – Complete Frankenstein D4 by adding a closing. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz #12 Wednesday. Truant.

Senior English 11/24/14 Victor Frankenstein and the creature share the same personality. Like father like sun. Attack or defend. Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care. – William Safire. Silurian – terribly old. Part of the paleozoic era. Goals – Work on conventions style and transitions for Frankenstein D5. Homework – Complete Frankenstein D5. Turn in tomorrow or Monday? Tunee fish.

Senior English 11/26/14 Five minutes to prepare for quiz 12. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? Urbacity – excessive or foolish pride in one’s city. Goals – Complete the vocabulary quiz. Homework – Have a great long weekend. He pasta way.

Senior English 11/28/13 TG holiday, no class Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.  ~Plato, Ion What is a polygon? Withy – flexible and tough. Goals – Present your visions of the future. Begin study of the purpose of poetry. Homework – Find a fourth poem on the Poetry Out Loud web page and do the analysis A dead parrot.

Senior English 11/29/13 TG holiday, no class. Five minutes to prepare for vocabulary quiz #13. Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.  ~Plato, Ion What do you call a bunch of chickens playing hide and seek? Sanguisugent – bloodsucking Goals –Complete Vocabulary quiz #13. Begin POL practice or complete presentations. Homework – Find a poem on the Poetry Out Loud web page and do the analysis. This should be your fifth poem analysis. I will expect you to have something on Monday. Fowl play.