Hello! Today you need: Your READING comp book. Your monthly planner. Your BLUE reading log. Your binder open to Language Arts and ready to receive papers.
Important Dates Friday, June 10 = Ms. Gauthier’s last day. Going away party during LA. Bring treats. Monday, June 13 = Book writes due. Two Book Writes minimum. Three to be above standard.
Reading Reflection #24 Open your comp. book to the next available page. Write out today’s date on the first line on the left side. Title it Reading Reflection #24. Add it to the Table of Contents.
Free Write Write 5+ sentences on the subject of reading. Possible topics: Reading progress since last week, last quarter, last semester, or since the beginning of the year. How reading is viewed in your family culture. When reading is easy for you. When it is hard for you. What you think reading will be like in 7th grade, high school, and college. Remember to tape past reading logs into your comp book. When you are finished, you may work on your language usage presentation that is due tomorrow or participate in Reader’s Workshop.