A Digital Fly On The Wall The Life of Photography at Lassiter
Here we go
The Photo Family
Our HOme
My Student Hubs http://katherinedanielslhsart.weebly.com http://lhsblogs.typepad.com/daniels/ Objectives: Streamline the process. Work smarter not harder.
Costco: Printing & Elements
Digital Editing on The Computer Free Pixlr: https://pixlr.com/ Ribbet: http://www.ribbet.com/ Affordable Adobe Creative Cloud : http://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/photography/basics1.html?promoid=ZXL8F4PT&mv=other Photoshop Elements
Digital Editing Phone APps Photo Sketch PicsArt Pixlr Photo Lab GifX Photo Merger Pablo PS Express P.S: If you want to print, hold off on phone filters. They compromise the quality of the image.
Photo Lab
Photo Merger
AP 2-D Design http://smaxeyphotography.weebly.com/
Projects: Scanner
The 365 Project
The 365 Project Intro On your blog, you should make a page called “The 365 Project.” This will count as a grade at the end of each marking period throughout the semester. You should add one picture daily to your blog page under this subject. It starts today and will last the remainder of the semester…challenge yourself. I urge you to continue this through the summer. 1. Look at other people’s blogs to see what others are doing. Researching ideas and seeing what others are doing makes you a better photographer. Watching technique tutorials are also helpful. 2. Comment on other 365’ers projects. If you want to receive encouragement from others you need to encourage others . People love to comment on others who comment on their photos. It doesn’t have to be a critique (unless they asked for one) it can be as simple as commenting on something they wrote about 3. Take your camera EVERYWHERE! Some phone photos are acceptable, but I encourage you to take more pictures with your camera. 4. Your photos don’t have to be perfect. The more pictures you make, the better photographic eye you will develop. 5. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day, but don’t miss several. You will earn one project grade for each mont based on your overall effort. 30 pictures per month. 6. Use themes to help you develop ideas. You could use a daily theme such as “Monday Me” or “Self Portrait Sunday” where you need to be in the picture. “Thankful Thursday”, “Macro Monday” etc. You could make up your own . The possibilities are endless!!
Project 365 http://photography1230.weebly.com/project-365--semester-1
Food Day Love
Black History Mentor Artist http://elizabethnitzphotography. weebly
Photo Weave Digital Vs. Manual
Posting Projects http://elizabethnitzphotography.weebly.com/projects.html http://clairejones2.weebly.com/projects.html
Photomontage and Incorporating Passion
Looking for Opportunities Within
Drama Photo Shoots
School Winter Card
Featured students http://cobbartworks.typepad.com/cobb_visual_arts_k12/2016/05/page/2/ Luke was hired by a professional photographer this year to help as an assistant to photohraph the Lassiter soccer team. He will be attending UGA in the fall. Sara will be attending SCAD In the fall with a focus in Photography with scholarships.
Administrative hallway: The walls are Complete
College & Career Make it relevant. Provide Opportunities Teach Job Opportunities.