The Second Control System of the Human Body The Endocrine System The Second Control System of the Human Body
I. The Endocrine System (Overview) Function: Regulates… Growth Reproduction Various body functions Metabolism Readies the body to deal with stress or emergencies
I. Overview (Continued) B. Composed of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream and stimulates various body organs
II. Hormones Messengers from cell to cell Research growing in leaps and bounds 1970: 20 Hormones identified Today: As many as 200 hormones id’d!
II. Hormones D. Brain itself secretes 45 separate hormones E. Heart secretes hormones controlling blood pressure and volume F. Present in immune system G. Hormones may play a role in curing cancer
III. Glands Pituitary Gland “The Master Gland” Produces growth hormones Stimulates production of milk Stimulates other glands to produce hormones
B. Thyroid 1. Produces thyroxin- controls rate at which food is converted into energy (metabolism)
C. Adrenal Readies the body for action in stressful situations Produces adrenaline
D. Gonads Ovaries Testes a. Estrogen produces eggs, fosters development of sex characteristics b. Progesterone stimulates growth of reproductive organs, prepares body for pregnancy c. Together, regulate menstrual cycle Testes a. Testosterone- Produces sperm, fosters development of sex characteristics
E. Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans) Produces insulin and glucagon, which regulate blood sugar
IV. Moods and Madness Hormones may explain moods: behavior and experience work hand in hand with hormones Depression & anxiety are signs of endocrine disorder
2. Stress a. fight or flight: primitive reaction to danger b 2. Stress a. fight or flight: primitive reaction to danger b. brain releases corticotropin, causing pituitary to release adrenocorticotropic, causing adrenal to relase cortisol…
4. Shyness 5. Nurturing behavior 6. PMS 7. Criminal Behavior 3. Maladjustment in adolescence 4. Shyness 5. Nurturing behavior 6. PMS 7. Criminal Behavior
8. Suicide 9. Schizophrenia and Manic Depression 10 8. Suicide 9. Schizophrenia and Manic Depression 10. Normal Emotional States 11. Sexual Behavior
Quickwrite Regarding length of time to take effect and length of time effect lasts, how in general do the effects of hormones on the body compare with the effects of nerve impulses?